Sunday, July 23, 2017

Special Experiences

The summer has been one of special experiences for Ben. These include:

Megan's Mission Call:

Ben and Megan have been best little cousins since Day 1. She received her mission call last month to Porto, Portugal. It was wonderful celebrating with her and her family. She's going to be a faith-filled missionary!

Spencer's Ordination:

Ben had the blessed opportunity to ordain Spencer to the office of Priest. It was a beautiful brother to brother moment and a great experience to prepare him for his mission.

Daniel's Mission Farewell: 

Ben's best friend since 7th grade left for his mission to Mexico at the end of July. We're so proud of his choice to serve and wish him the very best. What a blessing for them to serve together though they're worlds apart. Here's a few pics of their friendship:

"I pray that ... we may each of us do all things that lie in our power to teach our youth what source they may look to for a remission of their sins, even the Lord Jesus Christ. May we each respond with our most sincere efforts to “all hands on deck” as it pertains to saving our own rising generation—they are certainly worth our very best efforts."
—Ronald A. Rasband, "Our Rising Generation"

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