Monday, November 20, 2017

Year 1, Week 16: The Weirdest Experience in My Entire Life

So.. This week has been awesome and SUPER weird and awkward all wrapped up in one.

It started on Tuesday. Because *** didn't show up at church, Elder Curzon and I went over to her house and explained in further detail why church is important. We told her about the Sacrament and how it relates to Baptism. We committed her to coming again to church. After that she said, "So I have been talking to my mom about your church and she says that it is against the rules for women to shave or wear makeup." We quickly explained that these things were false and that it was completely ok to shave and wear makeup. She looked a little confused still so we asked if she had concerns with anything else. (I honestly expected an answer like, "Yes. I'm not sure about Joseph Smith or the Book of Mormon.) She looked at us, kinda chuckled and said, "I'm sorry. I don't mean to be weird or anything but I am super curious. Are y'all Virgins?" I looked at Elder Curzon with a 
(what is happening) look. I looked back at *** and explained that God has asked us to keep Sexual Relations in Marriage and to only do that sort of thing after you get married. She said,"Ok. That makes sense. I guess the only thing is... If I go on a date with a guy, what am I supposed to say? If ya wanna turn something on, turn on the Oven, don't touch me!?" Elder Curzon and I had to stifle our laughs. We said that she should pray about it and then concluded our lesson. That was the WEIRDEST lesson I have ever been in. 

Anyway, so after that happened the week went pretty normal up until Zone Conference. We talked a lot about Pleading with the Lord every morning in prayer and asking for our mouths to be opened. We also talked a lot about Christ and how we can follow in His way more fully. It was very interesting and a super good experience. President Miller also said that a good way to apply the scriptures in your life is by asking why it was put in the Book of Mormon in the first place. One Question that he asked us to think about is, "Why should we seek the power of His Word?" In Break out Sessions with the AP's and President and Sister Miller, we discussed what things we have because of Joseph Smith. These things include, The Book of Mormon, an Understanding of the God head, the Priesthood, the process of repentance, etc. Zone Conferences are always so inspiring. 

Because none of our investigators have come to Church we have now dropped all of our investigators baptismal dates. We aren't teaching anything new until the keep the commitments that go alone with the Message of the Restoration. So that's a bummer.

Saturday was our branch Thanksgiving Party. Elder Curzon, Elder Eaton, and I all sang Lead Kindly Light with Elder Porter playing the Piano. There was tons of Salad, Meats, and Rice to go around! It was a great opportunity to spend more time with members and get to know some less actives.

Yesterday was a very, very, interesting and awkward experience. Church was great and everything was going well. All the Missionaries were invited to attend the YSA Face to Face with Elder Oaks and Elder Ballard. Before that Elder Curzon and I were going to visit a referral.  We stopped by the house but nobody answered the door. On our way back Elder Curzon got on the phone with the Sisters in our district to collect their numbers. While walking back to the apartment anybody we would pass I would offer them a picture of Christ and start introducing ourselves. Everybody took the Pictures but nobody would take the time to listen. We were about a mile from home when we passed a woman. When I extended a picture of Christ this woman looked at me and said, "How did you know?" I looked at her and said, "How do I know what?" She started crying and said that she had been an alcoholic for years and wanted to be a good person but in this world it's super hard. I pulled out a Book of Mormon and bore testimony of how the Book could help her in her life. I pulled out my planner and took her name, address, and her phone number to pass her off to the English Sisters. When I put my pen and planner back in my pocket she just randomly hugged me. She grabbed my jacket super tight while hugging me so to get her off I would have had to be aggressive and break her grip, then push her away so I just stood there with my hands in my pockets. I looked at Elder Curzon who was now off the phone and whispered, "What do I do?" He just starred at me with a blank look and whispered back, "I don't know..." While this 40 year old black woman was hugging me she started crying again. When she finally let go I stepped away and told her that we would get her information to the English sisters and they would contact her as soon as they could. She said, "Yes, that would be great. I believe women should minister to women and men should minister to men. If I do take lessons from you men I am sure I would fall in love with you. 

At this point I realized she was drunk and looked at Elder Curzon with another, "What do I do face?" She looked at me and said, "Can I marry you?" My eyes widened and I almost started laughing uncontrollably. I responded, "No. As missionaries we aren't allowed to do that. I'm sorry." I then said, " Well, It was nice meeting you but we have to go. I started walking away and she stepped in front of me, hugged me again and said, "But I am in love with you." This time, I just broke her grip and stepped back. She then looked at my name tag and said, "Elder Bushman. If we get married, you can be Bushman and I will be Bushwoman. 

Anyway... She said some more weird things, tried to kiss my hand, and then Elder Curzon and I finally just walked away and never turned back. This is the WEIRDEST experience I have ever had in my entire life. 

Well I hope all is well at home! Love you all :)

Elder Bushman

My first Monster in almost 4 months

A very thoughtful package from the Cub Scouts of the 24th
"Obedience makes us progressively stronger, capable of faithfully enduring tests and trials in the future. Obedience in Gethsemane prepared the Savior to obey and endure to the end on Golgotha."

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