Monday, January 14, 2019

Year 2, Week 24: He Got Baptized!

Hello Family! 

This week has been fabulous! 

To start off with the best news, S got baptized! It was a wonderful experience! Everything went super well and according to plan. Hermano Jimenez, the member who accompanied us to all his lessons, baptized him into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! S. was super happy and it was amazing to see the light he has! The members were very welcoming to him. After his baptism, he asked Elder Fragoso and I where he could get one of the Elder plaques. We explained that he couldn't until he goes on a mission with his wife if he wants to. We mentioned how he could go out with the Missionaries in the Dominican Republic just like Hermano Jimenez did and he got super excited! He was given the Holy Ghost by our Branch Mission Leader the following Sunday and was interviewed for the Aaronic Priesthood after. He will be receiving the Priesthood next Sunday so he can go to the temple and bless the Sacrament before he goes back to the DR. I will miss him when he leaves but it's all good! We have Facebook! Several of the members got his number so they can call him when they go back to visit the Dominican Republic. It was awesome!! Fabulous experience! 

The English Elders in Worcester cover 2 wards and also had a baptism in each ward on Saturday. Elder Fragoso and I were able to do the Baptismal interviews because Elder Aure is the District Leader. Those were fun! They are both 9 year old boys who know so much about the church! It was awesome. 

I don't know if you remember J. from way back in September. We stopped by her house this week and followed up with her to see if she would be interested in learning again and coming to church. We came back the next day and had a lesson with them. It went well! We talked a lot about the blessings she saw in her life when she was coming to church and how she feels now. She said that she saw a lot of blessings and those blessing aren't there anymore. She didn't come to church this week so we will see where that ends up going. 

That's pretty much it that happened this week. Some other lessons with people but nothing too out of the ordinary. 

We have some awesome things coming up! Exchanges with the English Elders, exchanges with the Assistants, Zone Conference next week, and then transfer texts next week too. There is only 2 more weeks in the transfer! That's crazy haha! Time is going by quicker and quicker. 

I love you! 

Elder Bushman 


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