Monday, June 10, 2019

Year 2, Week 45: Have You Found Brazilian Food?

This week has been a good one! Pretty tiring to be honest. Elder Oberman got here on Wednesday and it's been fun being in a trio with him. He is from Tri-Cities, Washington and has been out for about 5ish months. He actually started his mission in Hartford as well so it's been cool to share stories about our time there. It's an interesting dynamic being in a trio. Whenever one companion goes to the bathroom you always have someone else to talk with. Our transfer day was crazy though. President Mavromatis said he wanted missionaries to show up at 1:30 pm at the Weston Chapel and leave before 3:30 pm. Elder Skordas and I weren't going to go but President Mavromatis said he wanted to talk to me so we went. We were there until 4:30 when President could talk with me and when I walked up to him he said, "Elder Bushman, what can I do for you?" I said, "I don't know President... You wanted me to talk with you." he replies, "oh.. Are you doing good?" I say, "yes. I'm doing great!" he says, "OK good. Have you found Brazilian food in Cambridge?" and that was it! That's all he asked me.. Lol! We have no idea if he forgot or if he said it to the wrong person, but it was funny! As you can see from all the pictures I will send, it's been a tiring week. 

Elder Porritt, one of my old companions, went home this last week. He stayed with us on Wednesday night and we were in a 4 Elder. Elder Porritt and I went out that night to a lesson with was a very interesting lesson. She told us a lot of dreams and things she has had and we just tried to explain that our message will help her more than anything else. She said she would be at church on Sunday but wasn't able to come. We aren't sure what is going to have to happen to help her come. We'll see though. Hopefully it was just something random and it won't be an actual problem for her to come.

We also had a really good lesson with R. When we got to his house he said that he had read 3 Nephi 11 and had written a summary of what he had learned. When he read us his summary and he hit all the right points. He understood that the voice spoke thrice and they didn't understand until the last time, that Jesus Christ came down and administered to them, that He called a prophet and gave him the  authority to baptize and lead the church. It was a really good lesson. R. works on Sundays and so he isn't able to come to church but that is what we are currently working on. We invited him to be baptized and he said that he would like that. We didn't plan a date because he still isn't able to come to church but he said that is his goal. It was a really great lesson. We are excited for him and his family. He said he would read 3 Nephi 18 when Christ institutes the Sacrament and write his next summary. 

We had a really good lesson with R. and A. as well. R. prayed right before she read the Book of Mormon and then flipped to a random page and read. She said she received an answer to a question that she had. We also talked about 3 Nephi 11 and she understood a lot. She speaks English as well as Spanish and so she reads well and is able to understand what things are saying. We invited her to be baptized as well and she accepted. We invited her to be baptized on June 29th and she said she would pray about it. She didn't want to accept a date and be a liar if she didn't make it. They also said they would come to church but something came up with A. and he wasn't able to go. R. really wanted to however so we just need to work with him.

We had a couple other lessons this week but nothing too exciting. We have began teaching several people but haven't had return appointments with them. Our biggest struggle is that nobody is coming to church. Maybe they aren't prepared? Maybe their excuses are valid and we need to give them more time? Maybe they need something else? Haha! These are the questions us missionaries have on the daily! I need to do some more praying to find out!!

Well I love you!! Have a great week!

Elder Bushman

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