Monday, September 25, 2017

Year 1, Week 8: Repentance

Wow.. This week has really flown by. It is incredible how fast time can go. 

Monday: After I wrote home, a ton of Elders got together to play ball. We played basketball for 3 1/2 hours. Super super fun!! Not much else happened. Elder Curzon and I went out and knocked doors; we placed a couple Book of Mormons and that was it.

Tuesday: This was a crazy day full of crazy people. Elder Curzon and I knocked a door and it turned out to be this lady who loves to talk. We stood on her porch for 30 minutes and talked 5 out of the 30. She is a crazy lady but since she is English, we passed her off to the sisters in our district. There are a lot of spanish speaking people but because they are super religious, they aren't willing to listen to our message. The spanish people who do listen accept it well, but when we set a return appointment they are never home. We once knocked on a guys door 6-7 times and he never answered.

Wednesday: Elder Curzon and I decided to go East on a street called Park Street. It is kinda like main street in Hartford. Super busy and tons of people. While walking down this street we met a guy who talked with us for about 15 minutes and asked us if we keep the commandments of God. When we replied with a yes we do, he said," If you keep the commandments then buy me some food. Its a commandment to feed the hungry." So, Elder Curzon and I went into a McDonalds and I bought him a Double Cheeseburger and a small Shake. When we walked out of the building and handed it to him he said, "Thank you guys. After I eat this meal, I am going to jump of a bridge." Elder Curzon says, " No... Don't do that." The guy replies with, "Yeah... You're right. I won't. Do you have any money for the bus?" We said no and then quickly left. But we taught the restoration and left him with a Book of Mormon. We walked so much today it was crazy. We mapped out where we went and we had walked over 8 miles this day.

Thursday: Because of our crazy walking on Wednesday, Elder Curzon got major major blisters on his feet. He called the Medical Missionary and she told him to stay off of his feet for a few days. So Thursday was full of reading, studying, and napping. Pretty nice to have a day off but I was ready for work come Friday.

Friday: Elder Curzon's feet got worse and so again, we stayed in. I have been reading in Mosiah and have learned tons about the Savior. I also studied Jesus the Christ for a while and am gaining a deeper understanding of the Life of Christ. 

Saturday: Today was a pretty fun day. Elder Curzon and I got a call from Elder Pierce, the Senior Missionary in charge of housing, and he told us that he was going to be moving us out into another apartment. He gave us some addresses to check in on and most of them are super sketchy and weird. Elder Curzon and I really like Elder Tebbs and Elder Eaton so if we do move, it will be a pretty sad day. While walking we met a guy named Frankie. He said that he had a Book of Mormon but didn't want it anymore. He said he knew it was the word of God and he wasn't willing to throw it away. I said, "Frankie, if you know it's the word of God... Why don't you want to read it and learn?" He went silent and then quickly changed the topic onto something else. I said, "I will make you a deal. Read the first chapter before we meet, we will share a message with you, and if you still don't want it, then we will take the Book from you." He agreed so we have a meeting with him on Tuesday.

Sunday: Sunday was church at 9, lunch at 1, and out knocking doors. We went to check up on several people to try and teach return appointments but nobody was there. It was really sad. During personal study I came to the realization that every single prophet teaches one thing, repentance. Lehi taught repentance to Jerusalem. Nephi taught repentance to his brothers and people. Jacob taught that the Lord delights in the Chastity of Women and the need to repent, Enos repented and then taught repentance. Omni called people to repentance. King Benjamin gave a massive sermon on the need to repent. Abinidi taught repentance to Kind Noah. Alma Teaches repentance and Baptizes. What have I been called to do on my Mission? Teach Repentance and Baptize Converts. If I am not calling people to repentance every time I teach, than I am not fulfilling my purpose as a missionary. Pretty interesting to think about.

Boom. Just like that I am back to PDAY. I love you all and will keep you in my prayers.

Elder Bushman
Random Photos: Looks like he got his Charmin! He's become a great cook! And things he finds humorous...

"Each accountable child of Heavenly Father needs repentance. Consider what sins we need to repent of. What is holding us back? In what ways do we need to improve? I know, as President Packer experienced and testified, that when we sincerely repent of our sins, they are truly gone—without a trace!"
—Linda S. Reeves, "The Great Plan of Redemption"

Monday, September 18, 2017

Year 1, Week 7: The Area is Great; My Comp is Awesome

Dear Mom and Family,

Well... It has been a long, tiring, full, and busy week.

Sunday: Sunday was a great day. I woke up, went to church, had zone meeting, departure devotional, dinner, devotional, and sunday night movie. Chad Lewis was the speaker and he gave a great devotional on how trusting in the Lord is the best thing we can do. When we went to see our movie, it was all full so we chose to go see the Testaments. In Spanish. First, the Testaments is a super awkward and cheesy movie by itself, so when paired in Spanish.... Super awkward. But, I did feel the Spirit and understood a lot of the movie. After that we gathered as a district to say goodbye to the Hermanas in our District. I grew really close to our District so it was really hard to say goodbye. After that, we headed back to our residence and went to sleep.

Monday: All the Elders woke up at 3 in the morning to send off Elder Bird. He was a close friend and example. It was tough to say goodbye but walking him out gave me another chance to say goodbye to the Hermanas. All the rest of Monday was super weird because of the three people leaving. It felt somewhat empty and awkward. But, I still went to class and did everything else. Monday was a little boring.

Tuesday: I woke up, again at 3 to send off Elder Bybee and Elder Collins. I finished packing (my bags weighed 46 lbs, 46 lbs, and 15 lbs, so I still had tons of space) and headed out to the bus stop. I said goodbye to the rest of the Elders and hopped on the bus. We traveled from the bus to frontrunner, from frontrunner to trax, and trax into the airport. Everything went well and we got to our gate. I called home which was super fun. I have missed being able to talk with my family over the phone so it was a great experience. When we got on the plane I was seated next to a guy who was LDS. He was from Finland and served a mission in Utah. He had just gotten sealed and was headed to Boston for his honeymoon. He was a cool guy who spoke fluently French, Finnish, Swedish, German, English, Polish and was working on mastering Spanish. He was a little quirky but overall super chill.
After the plane we landed, grabbed out bags and met the Mission President and his Wife. President and Sister Miller are awesome people! They were super kind and really energetic. We met the AP's who were also super nice and fun. Elder Xiao is from California and Elder Ferreira is from Brazil. The AP's took all the Elder's to the mission home and dropped us off there with our bags. We went inside, had dinner, did some training, and were sent to bed. The Mission home bed was the BEST. In the MTC I didn't sleep through the night with out waking up once so when I woke up Wednesday morning and hadn't woken up during the night, it was amazing.

Wednesday: Wednesday was great. We had breakfast, did more training with Senior Missionaries and President and his wife and were sent out to do some street contacting. Elder Tirado and I were put together as comps for street contacting. We met this man on the street named Clyde. He was a JW who started Bible Bashing with us. We were patient and didn't bash back and tried to give him a Book of Mormon but he wasn't interested. We went back to the Mission home were we had lunch and I met with President Miller. When it came time to meet our trainers we all sat in seats with an open chair next to us and the trainers came in and sat by us. At this time we still didn't know who our trainers were going to be. I met Elder Curzon and we talked for a little bit but then President Miller started reading off names of people who were getting trainers. When he read my name, I walked to the front of the room and stood next to President Miller, President than read off my trainers name and he came to the front as well. We got some pictures together and than sat down next to each other. After that we were told where we would be laboring. Elder Curzon and I had been assigned to Hartford 2, a brand new area. I was informed we would be shotgunning the area, which means that neither companions had ever been there. So, we have NO investigators, we don't know where anything is, we know 0 members and so we are building completely from the ground up. We met the ZL's who we share a room with and drove from the mission home in Natick to Hartford. Wednesday night we unpacked and went to bed.

Thursday: Elder Curzon and I woke up on Thursday morning and went right to work planning, personal study, comp study and language study. After studies were done we went tracking for 6 hours trying to pick up new investigators to teach. We met a couple people and placed 18 Book of Mormons. The people of Hartford are interesting... Not much else happened on Thursday.

Friday: was a lot like Thursday. We woke up, planned, studied, and went out knocking doors. Again, same thing happened. We placed 12 Book of Mormons and got rejected a bunch. That night we had a district meeting. We met the sisters in our district (Our district contains 6 people. Elder Tebbs and Eaton, who are the ZL's and also our roommates. Sister Morris and Sister Klipinger who are the STL's, and Elder Curzon, who is the DL, and myself) and had a training given by Elder Curzon. 

Saturday: Because we have no investigators and new investigators are not there for our return appointments we haven't been able to have a progressing investigator so we continued knocking doors on Saturday. We placed 22 Book of Mormons and talked with lots of nice people. Each day, we are walking anywhere from 4-7 miles. 

Sunday: Sunday was great. We went to church where I met a lot of the members. They all speak Spanish so I understood nothing but it was still good. We went knocking more doors and placed 12 Book of Mormons. In the 4 days Elder Curzon and I have been together we have placed 60 Book of Mormons. Pretty good. We knocked more doors and picked up another new investigator and set a return appointment. 

Monday (Today): So far the day has been good. Woke up, did some personal study, did laundry, went to the store, and now emailing.

Love you all,

Elder Bushman  
Other Info: 
 Yes... I am pretty tired. The area is great, my comp is awesome!! Hartford is a super weird place though. We have talked to crazy drunk people who say we look like Matthew and John, We have talked to guys who are drinking beer, smoking weed, and popping drugs right in front of us. I actually really like talking to drunk people:) We have had some awesome experiences where people are super interested. Those people are usually English speakers so we pass them off to the English Sisters so we haven't had an opportunity to see anyone progress. It has been great though.
About Elder Curzon, I was super super happy that he is my trainer. I was hoping that I would get him. Since none of my district came to Boston, I felt quite alone the first couple days, but when I was put with him I felt like I had someone to hangout with even though I didn't really know him. I wasn't very surprised. President heard that someone knew Elder Curzon and when he asked if anyone knew him I said I did and he smiled a little. So I was hoping that meant I would be with him. I do think it is awesome!! We have talked to each other about the craziness of it all. One of my best friends at home has a cousin who lives in Nebraska, came on his mission 7 months before me and is now my trainer?? Coincidence? I think not:)

What kind of access/time do you have to correspond with people?
I have 2 hours every week to email home. Unless there is some random reason that conflicts, but 2 hours a week.
Is it really a walking mission? And what does that mean? How much will you be walking?
Kind of. I was given a bike by the Branch Mission Leader. His name is Lois Gonsalez and is super super nice and sarcastic. He is moving to Mexico in the next couple of months so he is getting rid of tons of stuff. He gave me 3 pairs of heavy winter gloves, a scarf, beanie, a bike, dinner, and a pair of Sunday shoes. He is super nice and I thanked him like 1000 times. He is great. I havent ridden the bike yet, because Hartford is a place notorious for bikes getting jacked so we'll see how much I use it. We walk anywhere from 4-7 miles a day. Its pretty crazy.
Tell me more about Elder Curzon as a person and how your companionship is going...
Elder Curzon is super awesome!! He is really nice and fun to work with. He is only 5 months older than I am and came out on his mission in February. We work super well together and have a lot of the same personality. He went to a semester of college before the mission and wants to become a doctor. Everything is great. It is still a crazy adjustment from the MTC but so far its been good.
How was your time at the mission home? Did you have a personal interview with the Mission President? What do you think of him?
The mission home was great. Very comfortable and nice. I love President Miller. He is a fantastic guy. Sister Miller is amazing as well.  
Oh, and I forgot my camera so I'll send photos next week.
"Our Heavenly Father can appreciate our love for Him by how well we serve Him and how well we serve our fellowmen."
—Thomas S. Monson, "Four Words to Guide You"

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Fist Companion/First Area

We received the below photos from Sister Miller on Friday morning. What a miracle that Elder Bushman will be serving with Elder Curzon (the cousin of one of his best friends)!! They will be serving together in Hartford, CT - opening up a new area together. We are anxious to hear all the details of their first week together! And super happy and grateful for technology (gaining lots of information about the mission from Elder Curzon's Mama!)

"This is our high and holy calling—to be agents of Jesus Christ, to love as He loved, to serve as He served."
—Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "On Being Genuine"

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Boston, Here Comes Elder Bushman

Good evening. Just a quick note to let you know that your son or daughter has arrived safely in Boston. They were a little tired and hungry, but have had a good dinner and are getting some sleep now. They are a well prepared group of missionaries and we are excited to know them and work alongside them.

Warm Regards,
President A. Todd Miller

NOTE:  We spoke with Elder Bushman while he was at the airport. He spoke to us in Spanish, he told us about his excitement to leave for Boston (except not the plane ride), and a bit of apprehension with his Spanish skills. He doesn't know much about the situation in Boston except for he'll be staying at the mission home the first night and getting his area assignment and companion on Wednesday. Pdays are Mondays. We will know more then. 

"As parents ... we can teach them the power and reality of the Atonement—of their identity and divine destiny—and in so doing give them a rock foundation upon which to build. When all is said and done, the home is the ideal forum for teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ."
—Tad R. Callister, "Parents: The Prime Gospel Teachers of Their Children"

Final MTC Photos

The final photos of Elder Bushman with his district. They got up early one morning to say farewell to the Hermanas and to Elder Bird. Elder Bushman left the next day.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Year 1, Week 6:Its Going to be Hard to Leave our District

Dear Mom,

Not much happened this week. 

Sunday: On Sunday, we woke up, started our fast, went to Sacrament meeting, then district meeting (Elder Gibby and I taught the lesson), then priesthood, then a Mission Conference, then a Mission Conference review, then ponder time, then choir, then dinner, then Sunday Night devotional, then a MTC Talk given called Consecrated Missionary, then to bed. Sundays are full, full days at the MTC. No time for visiting Pan & Emit:) Sunday Night Devotional was given by President and Sister Weidman, Second Counselor in the MTC presidency. Here are some of my notes:

- Love God most. Always put God first.
- If the whole church is Gods army, then the missionaries are Gods special forces.
- Live the Higher Standards
- Make your love for the Lord your greatest Motivation. 

Monday: For service, Elder Gibby and I were assigned to empty garbage cans. I thought of how easy it was at home and just assumed it would be similar. Oh no...(Imagine Brian Reagans voice). I didn't know how disgusting people could be. In the trash there was open jars of Queso, Salsa, Fungal Paste, donuts on the floor, etc. Like this was probably the grossest thing I have ever done. But, I had the opportunity to serve so I am grateful for the experience. Not much else happened on Monday. We had class later that day and then went to bed... Nothing exciting.

Tuesday: All the days are starting to just be the same. We had class in the morning and then had Tuesday night Devotional. Elder Oaks came and spoke to us. Here are some of the notes from him.

- Desire what is right and pray for help. 
- If we do not understand the vital principles of the Resurrection, then our preaching is in vain.
- The fundamental principles of our church are based on Jesus Christ and everything else is an appendage to him.
- The Book of Mormon needs to be the main book we teach from. 
- Never take your missionary setting apart for granted. 

Wednesday: Again, not much happened. Class and Study time.

Thursday: It was Infield-Orientation which basically means you sit in class from 8 AM. until 5:30 PM. with two 30 minute breaks. We learned all about the Doctrine of Christ, how to apply the Doctrine of Christ in our lives and lessons, how to continue to make goals and continue to plan, how to find people, and how to effectively work with members. It was a good experience, just super, super long.... Then we had dinner, exercise, and personal study time.

Friday: Again... A very normal day of class and study time. I like these type of days but they're not to exciting to talk about. 

And here we are. Back at PDAY. Today, I plan on getting to the Temple, sleeping, folding laundry, exercising, and then going to class.

Our teachers, Brother Cook and Brother Truman are great guys. Brother Truman is more of the lets buckle down from the start and gets things done, which is great, but makes it hard to build a relationship with. Brother Cook will get to class and tell us all about the girl he is dating and how he finally kissed her. He is kinda like an older brother who tells you everything and then gets down to business. I love both of them and will miss them. We saw Brother Truman for the last time yesterday

Its going to be hard to leave our district. Over the 6 weeks we have become extremely close and I will most likely not see any of them again and its going to be hard to say goodbye. I never realized how fast you can come to love people. It will even be harder in the mission field because I will be seeing people turn there lives around and watch them progress in the gospel. To leave that will be super hard.

Anyway, I love you all.


Elder Bushman

"The Lord has a plan for us in this life. He knows us. He knows what is best for us. Just because things are going well does not mean that we should not from time to time consider whether there might be something better. If we continue to live as we are living, will the promised blessings be fulfilled?"
—Carlos A. Godoy, "The Lord Has a Plan for Us!"

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Year 1, Week 5: We Got our Travel Plans!!!!

How is it going mom? Once again, the Elders in our district woke up and 4:15 in the morning to do laundry. It's hard right at first but then feels great to be up and productive this early.
This week I have seen tons of new people. I have seen Sarah Curzon, Ben Mcmillian (However that is spelled), Shawn Young (Friend from TAMS), and Callie Rogers (I actually haven't talked to her, but I've seen her.) I continue to see and talk with Brooklyn Holmes, David Cowley, Ethan Peterson, Isaac Yamada, Harrison James, Taylor Anderson, and Brantley Johnson.
I haven't met any missionaries going to my mission, but I did receive my travel plans and I am the Travel Leader. Basically, I hold the hands of the other missionaries and make sure they aren't dumb. Entonces, there are several missionaries in my group that are traveling. There is one Elder named Jonah Peterson that I met on Instagram who is going to Boston English Speaking. I'm excited to meet him for the first time. I will send pictures of my travel plans so you know everything that I know. 
As stated up above, I have seen Sister Curzon. I haven't had a real opportunity to talk with her, but we did take pictures and chat for a couple minutes. I'm looking forward to a  time when we have dinner at the same time and can really talk.
Yes, I did get the package. Will you please send me all the family member emails? Uncle John, Aunt Karla, Stephen, etc.. I would love to write them a thank you note for their kind words.
Ethan Peterson is going on his mission to Houston South speaking English. He was supposed to fly out on Monday but has been delayed and still doesn't know when he'll go. The Elders and Sisters in my district who are going to Houston North haven't heard anything about being delayed. Especially because we got travel plans with flights. It is possible they could still get delayed, but from my knowledge they're good to go. I have heard and seen some pictures of the devastation in Houston. I heard about the temple flooding and water hitting roof tops. Not much else. If you so desire, I would love to get a news update because I can't check KSL like I used to;)
That is super exciting for Josh Newman. I'll keep him in my prayers. I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. Haha, when you said that Spencer is eating corn dogs I had a vision. Spencer is in his blue basketball shorts, with a white undershirt, having one foot up on the barstool or the kitchen table bench dipping his corndog in BBQ sauce:)

First, Elder Bird was released from DL and Elder Broschart was called as new DL. During Sacrament meeting I was awake the whole time. The rest of church was good. Elder Gibby and I taught a lesson on the Book of Mormon. We basically just thought of questions to ask the group of missionaries and led a discussion on why the Book of Mormon is important. 

Funny and kinda taco story.... I walked into the Cafeteria for dinner and a guy at the cash register looks at me and says:

Guy: "you have a very soft face."
Me: "um... thanks..."
Guy: "I really like it."
Me: "um... thanks..."
Guy: "where did you get it?
Me: "um... my parents..."
Guy: "do you know anything about traits and genetics?"
Me: "um... no..."
Guy: "yeah, most people don't really know where they got there traits from, so I was wondering if you did."
Me: " no... I don't..."
Me: *run away*

After that awkward experience, we had Sunday night devotional. The Managing Director of the Missionary Department came and talked to us about our missions. To bring others to Christ. After the devotional we went to see Tad Callister's talk. He talked about becoming a consecrated missionary. It was a great experience and I really learned a lot.

Monday was an exciting day!! During exercise time a few of us Elders were playing basketball. Elder Bird, old DL, got the ball in the post, and jumped in the air to make his lay up. On his way into the air, Elder Birds elbow hit Elder Gibbys jaw and Elder Gibby bit completely through his lip. When we took him to the BYU health clinic across from the MTC , the doctor had him wash out his mouth, and water dropped out of the hole in his face. Kinda crazy. The only nice thing about this experience was... I got to ride in a car for the first time in 28 days!!!:) pretty exciting.

Tuesday was great. Nothing crazy exciting. When we taught our investigator Constanza, who I personally think is a real investigator, the lesson was pretty good. We tried to teach the Plan of Salvation, but she just asked more questions on the Book of Mormon and then started asking questions about where our prophets come from... it was tough. 
Tuesday Night Devotional was great. Here are some of my notes.
  • We are called to gather the elect. That is our purpose.
  • It is important to have a testimony of our Savior. The testimonies of others can only take us so far.
  • If I don't have a strong light and conversion about Jesus Christ. Get one.
  • Teach Repentance and Baptize Converts.
Devotionals are the best. Before the mission though, I HATED Devotionals. Now, Devotionals are fantastic.

Wednesday was Awesome!!! When we taught our investigator Constanza, we walked in and asked if she has read the Book of Mormon and prayed since last time we met. She started crying and said that she knows the Book of Mormon is true and she sees how it applies to her life. We then went on to teach the Plan of Salvation and how because Christ suffered for her, He knows her problems and she can rely on Him. One of the greatest things Christ did for us is being baptized. We then extended the baptism invitation to her and asked if she would be baptized on a specific date. She said she wants to know more. We explained that getting baptized is an act of faith and she will be blessed for following the example of Christ. We asked her again and she said she will pray about it. We will know more on Friday. That is our next discussion with her.

Thursday started out CRAZY!!! I was talking with Elder Bird and I learned that he grew up in Camarillo, California. I told him that is where dad grew up and asked if he knew Burl and Char Bushman. He said no, so I left it alone. Later in the day he was telling me about one of his best friends who is coming to the MTC. JP Arbon. When I heard the name, i paused for a second and then it hit me. I know the Arbon family. I asked if he had a sister named Beth. I don't know how I remember that but... i did. Anyway, Elder Bird knows all the Arbons, he knows some Beifuss's and he knows John Troxell. Crazy right? Elder Birds mom is super good friends with Paul Arbon. Elder Birds moms name is Michelle Barlow. Supposedly, there are tons of Barlows all over Camarillo and they are all the family of Elder Bird. Anyway, super small world.

After that whole thing happened, we headed to exercise where Elder Gibby, hurt himself once again. We were playing basketball and Elder Gibby ran into some bleachers and bruised his arm super bad. He popped a blood vessel in his arm. I'll send a pic.
In our halls of our residence, the Elders hang flags of there mission. Elder Broschart hung a Texas Flag. The whole MTC was notified that it is a fire hazard and all flags had to be taken down. When Elder Broschart brought it back in, Elder Byington said, "oh dang... there is a hole in the flag"
I started singing immediately the following:
"There's a hole in my bucket dear Liza, dear Liza, there's a hole in my bucket dear Liza a hole.
Then fix it dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry, then fix it dear Henry, dear Henry fix it.
with what shall I fix it dear Liza, dear Liza, with what shall I fix it dear Liza with what?
with a stick dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry, with a stick dear Henry, dear Henry a stick.
but the stick is too long dear Liza, dear Liza, but the stick is too long, dear Liza too long.
Then cut it dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry, then cut it dear Henry, dear Henry cut it.
With what shall I cut it dear Liza, dear Liza, with what shall I cut It, dear Liza with what?
With an ax dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry, with an ax dear Henry, dear Henry an ax.
But the ax is to dull, dear Liza, dear Liza, but the ax is to dull, dear Liza to dull.
Then sharpen it, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry, then sharpen it dear Henry, dear Henry sharpen it.
With what shall I sharpen it, dear Liza, dear Liza, with what shall I sharpen it, dear Liza with what?
With a rock, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry, with a rock dear Henry, dear Henry a rock.
But the rock is to dry, dear Liza, dear Liza, but the rock is to dry, dear Liza to dry.
Then wet it, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry, then wet it dear Henry, dear Henry wet it.
With what shall I wet it, dear Liza, dear Liza, with what shall I wet it, dear Liza with what?
With water dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry, with water dear Henry, dear Henry, WATER.
But I don't have any water, dear Liza, dear Liza, I don't have any water, dear liza, water...
Then fetch it dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry, then fetch it dear Henry, dear Henry fetch it.
With what shall I fetch it, dear Liza, dear Liza, with what shall I fetch it, dear Liza with what?
With a bucket dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry, with a bucket dear Henry, dear Henry, a bucket.
But there is a hole in my bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza, there is a hole in my bucket, dear Liza a hole."
I thought mom would appreciate it:)

Friday was a good day. When we taught Constanza, we again invited her to be baptized. She accepted our invitation to be baptized on September 30th. She also committed to go to church and work on repenting. I really believe that she is a real investigator. She has been great, but Friday was the last day we taught her. Also, on Friday we got our travel plans!!! Pictures of them will follow so you can have all the info.
Spanish is going well. The reason Spanish is hard is because there isn't a word for every English word. In English, if I was to say, "will you pray?" It would translate in Spanish to, "Orará." That's it. One word for three English words. Anyway, it's pretty fun to speak but hard.
During exercise time, Elder Gibby sat out because of his injuries but that didn't stop people from getting hurt. Elder Broschart was biking and then started running laps, he ran hard enough that he threw up, Elder Painter was playing four square and popped his arm out of its socket, Hermana Anderson was playing basketball and passed out because she is hyperglycemic. Elder Bybee has been sick since we got here, Elder Byington hurt his knee and ankle last week, Elder Bird has TBD(Ty Bird Disease). It basically is stomach pain that no doctor has been able to figure out. Anyway, our district is pretty beat up:)

Anyway, There is a small recap of the week. Hopefully not too long:)

Love, Elder Bushman
Meme, courtesy of Elder Painter

Fun Reunion with Sister Curzon!!

"I testify to you that our promised blessings are beyond measure. Though the storm clouds may gather, though the rains may pour down upon us, our knowledge of the gospel and our love of our Heavenly Father and of our Savior will comfort and sustain us and bring joy to our hearts as we walk uprightly and keep the commandments. There will be nothing in this world that can defeat us."
—Thomas S. Monson, "Be of Good Cheer"