Monday, September 25, 2017

Year 1, Week 8: Repentance

Wow.. This week has really flown by. It is incredible how fast time can go. 

Monday: After I wrote home, a ton of Elders got together to play ball. We played basketball for 3 1/2 hours. Super super fun!! Not much else happened. Elder Curzon and I went out and knocked doors; we placed a couple Book of Mormons and that was it.

Tuesday: This was a crazy day full of crazy people. Elder Curzon and I knocked a door and it turned out to be this lady who loves to talk. We stood on her porch for 30 minutes and talked 5 out of the 30. She is a crazy lady but since she is English, we passed her off to the sisters in our district. There are a lot of spanish speaking people but because they are super religious, they aren't willing to listen to our message. The spanish people who do listen accept it well, but when we set a return appointment they are never home. We once knocked on a guys door 6-7 times and he never answered.

Wednesday: Elder Curzon and I decided to go East on a street called Park Street. It is kinda like main street in Hartford. Super busy and tons of people. While walking down this street we met a guy who talked with us for about 15 minutes and asked us if we keep the commandments of God. When we replied with a yes we do, he said," If you keep the commandments then buy me some food. Its a commandment to feed the hungry." So, Elder Curzon and I went into a McDonalds and I bought him a Double Cheeseburger and a small Shake. When we walked out of the building and handed it to him he said, "Thank you guys. After I eat this meal, I am going to jump of a bridge." Elder Curzon says, " No... Don't do that." The guy replies with, "Yeah... You're right. I won't. Do you have any money for the bus?" We said no and then quickly left. But we taught the restoration and left him with a Book of Mormon. We walked so much today it was crazy. We mapped out where we went and we had walked over 8 miles this day.

Thursday: Because of our crazy walking on Wednesday, Elder Curzon got major major blisters on his feet. He called the Medical Missionary and she told him to stay off of his feet for a few days. So Thursday was full of reading, studying, and napping. Pretty nice to have a day off but I was ready for work come Friday.

Friday: Elder Curzon's feet got worse and so again, we stayed in. I have been reading in Mosiah and have learned tons about the Savior. I also studied Jesus the Christ for a while and am gaining a deeper understanding of the Life of Christ. 

Saturday: Today was a pretty fun day. Elder Curzon and I got a call from Elder Pierce, the Senior Missionary in charge of housing, and he told us that he was going to be moving us out into another apartment. He gave us some addresses to check in on and most of them are super sketchy and weird. Elder Curzon and I really like Elder Tebbs and Elder Eaton so if we do move, it will be a pretty sad day. While walking we met a guy named Frankie. He said that he had a Book of Mormon but didn't want it anymore. He said he knew it was the word of God and he wasn't willing to throw it away. I said, "Frankie, if you know it's the word of God... Why don't you want to read it and learn?" He went silent and then quickly changed the topic onto something else. I said, "I will make you a deal. Read the first chapter before we meet, we will share a message with you, and if you still don't want it, then we will take the Book from you." He agreed so we have a meeting with him on Tuesday.

Sunday: Sunday was church at 9, lunch at 1, and out knocking doors. We went to check up on several people to try and teach return appointments but nobody was there. It was really sad. During personal study I came to the realization that every single prophet teaches one thing, repentance. Lehi taught repentance to Jerusalem. Nephi taught repentance to his brothers and people. Jacob taught that the Lord delights in the Chastity of Women and the need to repent, Enos repented and then taught repentance. Omni called people to repentance. King Benjamin gave a massive sermon on the need to repent. Abinidi taught repentance to Kind Noah. Alma Teaches repentance and Baptizes. What have I been called to do on my Mission? Teach Repentance and Baptize Converts. If I am not calling people to repentance every time I teach, than I am not fulfilling my purpose as a missionary. Pretty interesting to think about.

Boom. Just like that I am back to PDAY. I love you all and will keep you in my prayers.

Elder Bushman
Random Photos: Looks like he got his Charmin! He's become a great cook! And things he finds humorous...

"Each accountable child of Heavenly Father needs repentance. Consider what sins we need to repent of. What is holding us back? In what ways do we need to improve? I know, as President Packer experienced and testified, that when we sincerely repent of our sins, they are truly gone—without a trace!"
—Linda S. Reeves, "The Great Plan of Redemption"

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