Saturday, September 9, 2017

Year 1, Week 6:Its Going to be Hard to Leave our District

Dear Mom,

Not much happened this week. 

Sunday: On Sunday, we woke up, started our fast, went to Sacrament meeting, then district meeting (Elder Gibby and I taught the lesson), then priesthood, then a Mission Conference, then a Mission Conference review, then ponder time, then choir, then dinner, then Sunday Night devotional, then a MTC Talk given called Consecrated Missionary, then to bed. Sundays are full, full days at the MTC. No time for visiting Pan & Emit:) Sunday Night Devotional was given by President and Sister Weidman, Second Counselor in the MTC presidency. Here are some of my notes:

- Love God most. Always put God first.
- If the whole church is Gods army, then the missionaries are Gods special forces.
- Live the Higher Standards
- Make your love for the Lord your greatest Motivation. 

Monday: For service, Elder Gibby and I were assigned to empty garbage cans. I thought of how easy it was at home and just assumed it would be similar. Oh no...(Imagine Brian Reagans voice). I didn't know how disgusting people could be. In the trash there was open jars of Queso, Salsa, Fungal Paste, donuts on the floor, etc. Like this was probably the grossest thing I have ever done. But, I had the opportunity to serve so I am grateful for the experience. Not much else happened on Monday. We had class later that day and then went to bed... Nothing exciting.

Tuesday: All the days are starting to just be the same. We had class in the morning and then had Tuesday night Devotional. Elder Oaks came and spoke to us. Here are some of the notes from him.

- Desire what is right and pray for help. 
- If we do not understand the vital principles of the Resurrection, then our preaching is in vain.
- The fundamental principles of our church are based on Jesus Christ and everything else is an appendage to him.
- The Book of Mormon needs to be the main book we teach from. 
- Never take your missionary setting apart for granted. 

Wednesday: Again, not much happened. Class and Study time.

Thursday: It was Infield-Orientation which basically means you sit in class from 8 AM. until 5:30 PM. with two 30 minute breaks. We learned all about the Doctrine of Christ, how to apply the Doctrine of Christ in our lives and lessons, how to continue to make goals and continue to plan, how to find people, and how to effectively work with members. It was a good experience, just super, super long.... Then we had dinner, exercise, and personal study time.

Friday: Again... A very normal day of class and study time. I like these type of days but they're not to exciting to talk about. 

And here we are. Back at PDAY. Today, I plan on getting to the Temple, sleeping, folding laundry, exercising, and then going to class.

Our teachers, Brother Cook and Brother Truman are great guys. Brother Truman is more of the lets buckle down from the start and gets things done, which is great, but makes it hard to build a relationship with. Brother Cook will get to class and tell us all about the girl he is dating and how he finally kissed her. He is kinda like an older brother who tells you everything and then gets down to business. I love both of them and will miss them. We saw Brother Truman for the last time yesterday

Its going to be hard to leave our district. Over the 6 weeks we have become extremely close and I will most likely not see any of them again and its going to be hard to say goodbye. I never realized how fast you can come to love people. It will even be harder in the mission field because I will be seeing people turn there lives around and watch them progress in the gospel. To leave that will be super hard.

Anyway, I love you all.


Elder Bushman

"The Lord has a plan for us in this life. He knows us. He knows what is best for us. Just because things are going well does not mean that we should not from time to time consider whether there might be something better. If we continue to live as we are living, will the promised blessings be fulfilled?"
—Carlos A. Godoy, "The Lord Has a Plan for Us!"

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