Monday, December 4, 2017

Year 1, Week 18: Waterbury

Hey Mom and Family,

Not much has happened this week. Elder Curzon and I have both been transferred out of Hartford so we have been meeting with members, filling out our area book, telling our investigators that two other Elders will be taking over for us, and packing things up. I'm being transferred to Waterbury, CT. 

The Address is:
440 Meriden RD. Apartment #322
Waterbury, Connecticut
My new companion is named Elder Tirado. He is from Orem, Utah and speaks both English and Spanish fluently. He came into the mission at the same time as I did but went to the Mexico MTC. I think he was only there for 3 weeks though. Elder Tirado doesn't drive so I am the designated driver. I will be driving a 2017 Chevy Malibu.  

Elder Curzon is being transferred to Worcester, MA. He has been called as a Zone Leader so he will be doing that. 

Since it was fast Sunday this week we both bore our testimonies and announced we were leaving. We have been meeting with members and taking pictures. (I left my battery so I can't send any this week). Other than that not much has happened. We went to the Villagra's house yesterday to watch the First Presidency Christmas Devotional. It was awesome! Pretty funny with some great messages behind the stories. 

Other than that not much has happened. Sorry for such a boring week. It will be better next week when I can send the pics and everything!

Love you all:)

Elder Bushman
Probably 20% of the people I deal with only know spanish.
80% know both.
80% in English. 
Elder Curzon understands everything and can say everything he wants to relating to Gospel and most normal conversational stuff. 
We teach in English a lot of the time.
If the person in more comfortable in Spanish we will teach in Spanish. Most of the young people speak super good of both languages so it's whichever they prefer.
I understand probably 25% of what people say. And I hear more Spanish on the streets.

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