Monday, December 18, 2017

Year 1, Week 20: I Didn't Partake

Hey Fam!!
First of all, I will be calling on Zoom around 2 o'clock your time! 4 o'clock here in New England! I am going to a family named the Crooks! They are a young family with 2 little kids! Very nice people!
Lots happened this week. I don't even know where to start.
Tuesday was full of picking up some things at the store that I forgot on Monday and trying to visit old investigators and referrals. Also that night I met this super awesome member named Sister Vogel. She has 3 kids. Her oldest son didn't serve a mission, her daughter served, and her son, Patrick, is in Cambodia on his mission. She is such a great lady. I told her I was prone diabetic and she said it was completely fine and has been asking me questions and things so she can help me with it! She is great. She has a lot of "adopted" kids which basically means she kinda took them in and acted as there mother even though they lived with there actual parents. One of those kids is named Miguel. He is 21 and working on his mission papers. I told him about Keto and he asked how he can do it. I gave him a list of foods to eat so we'll see if he gets going on that. That would be pretty cool!
Wednesday was pretty great. We taught Waddy, one of our baptism dates, the Plan of Salvation. His mom really understands the gospel and she was taught and baptized about a year and a half ago. He didn't have any questions or concerns, he is 10 with a member as his mom so he shouldn't have any. After that we went to the 1st counselor in the Bishoprics house to practice our musical numbers for the Christmas party. We sang Blue Christmas, Mary did you know, and I'll be home for Christmas. Basically, we sounded TERRIBLE!! But we performed it anyway and so yeah. I didn't record it though. Again, Terrible.
We taught Tania again on Thursday. We taught the The law of Tithing and the Law of the Fast. She accepted them both really well and said she would live them when she got baptized. Now all we have to teach her is Chastity and obeying the law of the land. Her date is for Jan. the 11th.
Other than the Christmas party on Saturday not much happened. There was mashed potatoes, ham, rolls, all the normal American Dishes. Then... The spanish group shows up with rice, empanadas, sopas, etc.. I have stuck to Keto for the last week so, I didn't partake of the food:) That was good:)
Sunday was great!! We got to church at 7 in the morning for meetings and things. We had church, went to visit some people, went to the bishops house for dinner and then caroling with his family. It was great.
Love all of you!!
Elder Bushman

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