Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Year 1, Week 29: So Enlightening

This week has been good. We started out with visiting Less Actives. We have done a lot with Less Actives recently. We have decided that by visiting LA people, we will find more people ready to hear the Gospel. We figure that a lot of people in our area are willing to go to church, but just have some  concern that is keeping them back from it all. We have met some super cool families that we are going to hopefully get back in contact with and set up appointments. Lots of the LA families have children who aren't baptized and since their parents are, its super easy to teach kids. We have been working a lot on that this week.

We had exchanges with Elder Davis and Elder Smith this week. I took over the Waterbury Spanish area with Elder Davis and Elder Tirado went English. I learned a ton from Elder Davis. We talked a lot about how to most effectively plan to get the most out of every day! It was awesome.

Yesterday we went to the temple and had an awesome Endowment Session! Literally, so enlightening! Also, didn't fall asleep which probably helped!

Other than that nothing else really happened this week. We had lots of time to be out knocking doors and such with no real success. I hope that the 25 minute of audio recording makes up a little for the lack of awesome letter.

Also, I have a crazy recording for pops next week! It's honestly not important to Salvation or anything, so I won't take time to write about it, but it's a very interesting thought on before the flood and after the flood. I will be using time at night to discuss it so it's not hindering my actual study time!! It's pretty cool:) Anyway,

Love ya!

Elder Bushman

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