Monday, February 26, 2018

Year 1, Week 30: 12 Potential Investigators in 30 Minutes

Some awesome miracles have happened this week!
When Elder Davis and I went on exchanges, we were trying to visit a Potential Investigator. She wasn't home but we knocked the guy next to her door. His name is Richie and he is from Jamaica. We spent some time talking with him. As we left and were leaving to go to a dinner appointment, we decided to knock more doors. We met a girl named Ashley who speaks only Spanish. I took over and talked with her, got her info, introduced our church, gave her some materials and scheduled an appointment for later. We were leaving again but felt that some other doors would be good to knock. We knocked two doors at the same time and both Hispanic people answered at both doors. I spent time talking with one of them and did the same thing, took information down and scheduled appointments for later. Then I moved to the other door and did the same thing. This happened literally for 30 minutes. We moved from door to door and everybody we talked with was interested and gave us their info. We met 12 Potential Investigators in the space of 30 minutes and were only 15 minutes late to our dinner appointment with Sister Vogel. Literally so awesome!!
We went to take our car into Firestone to get an oil change. While there, a member of the Church was working his shift. He talked to us about one of his Co-Workers whose baby was born 17 weeks early. He asked if we could get in contact with Elders in the mission to have them go to the Hospital with the family. Unfortunately, the baby passed away, but we were able to help this family come in contact with the church and hopefully something may come out of it.
T-Texts came this week. Elder Tirado is being transferred to Quaker Hill Spanish. Elder Smith and Elder Davis are both staying here which I am pumped about! I am Training a missionary. We will see how that goes...

We had some of the LA members we visited come to church which is awesome! It's been great to see some of these people come back to church.
Because we are getting Smart Phones we are doing a lot of training and stuff. We have been listening to a lot of things about Technology. One of the thing they have been talking about is how we need to unlearn all of the ways we used Tech at home and learn the ways of the mission. If we can do this successfully, then going home to Tech will be so easy because we have established these habits! Super interesting!
Alright, we are about outta time! Love you all
Elder Bushman

Knocking Doors
PB&J Burgers
Holy Land, USA (Look it up)
Nob Hill (A Little Piece of Home) 
Bowling! (And a new hair cut, self-cut)

Dinner at the Vogel's
Angels Round About...  (Photo from the MTC, circling around Facebook)

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