Monday, July 30, 2018

Year 1, Week 52: Juan Got Baptized!

First, I would like to send a thought I had while studying yesterday. I sent this out to our Zone but it can be applied directly to us. 

In October 2012 General Conference, Elder David A. Bednar said, "A testimony is spiritual knowledge of truth obtained by the power of the Holy Ghost. Continuing conversion is constant devotion to the revealed truth we have received—with a heart that is willing and for righteous reasons. Knowing that the gospel is true is the essence of a testimony. Consistently being true to the gospel is the essence of conversion. We should know the gospel is true and be true to the gospel."

Am I converted? The answer to this question is based upon action. Like faith without works is dead, testimony without works is dead. A testimony cannot withstand the" fiery darts of the adversary" (Helaman 5:12) if not nourished by living and acting upon the message of the Gospel.

Preach my Gospel says, "a great indicator of one's personal conversion is the desire to share the gospel with others" (pg 13).

Before our missions we should have received a witness of why we decided to serve. It might have been a testimony of prophets and we knew we needed to serve missions because we have a testimony of a living prophet. It could have been the Holy Ghost directing us to serve. Whatever the case may be, our testimony of why we are here is dead if we do not work and show our conversion.

If we dedicate two years to serve the Lord and not consecrate ourselves, are we going to dedicate ourselves when we return? If we serve with "lightness and frivolity in your hearts, looking for this and that, and to learn what is in the world,... You will go and return in vain" (Missionary Manual pg 7). 

Elders and Sisters, let us focus in on the work of the Lord and show our conversion to Him!

As I've tried to focus more on the reasons why we do things I have found a deeper desire to work harder. Anyway, but for the big news... 

Juan got baptized on Saturday. It was a great experience even though he got baptized twice. We filled the font as high as we could but it didn't even come up his waist. He is 6'4, a very big man. The Branch Presidency didn't show up though so we had to wait for 40 minutes before it started. On Sunday he was confirmed a member of the church and that was a super awesome experience. It's interesting to listen in Spanish. When we say receive the Holy Ghost, in Spanish you use the command form. So we as Priesthood, are commanding the Spirit to come to Juan... It's kinda awesome when you think about it!

Not much else happened this week. We had Zone Conference and Elder Warner and I gave trainings, we had exchanges with the English Elders, and that's about it. Super super busy with not much happening. I gave a training in District Meeting that went pretty well. I talked about how we need to convert ourselves and be a strong chain that others can lean on. It was pretty cool. I think it went well.

Anyway, love you all! 

Elder Bushman

Monday, July 23, 2018

Year 1, Week 51: Amping our Consecration Level

Wow! This week has been pretty crazy! So much stuff happened that I don't even know where to begin.

We first had another exchange with the Framingham English Elders. I stayed in Worcester while Elder Warner went to Framingham for the night. Elder Christiansen, an Elder from North Salt Lake and I were together. It was a great exchange and we found some people to start teaching! When have return appointments with both of the people for tomorrow. E and L are their names. We are going to be going on another exchange with Worcester English Elders tonight and tomorrow.

In the time I have been in Worcester, I have, taught Elders Quorum, spoken in Church, gave a training for District Leadership Council, given a training at Mission Leadership Council, gone on 3 exchanges and then this week I will be singing in Zone Conference again, giving a training at ZC and going on an exchange tomorrow. Plus teaching and finding. Let's just say that the month of July is a busy one!

This week I decided to be a lot more consecrated to the work. I deleted all of my music that wasnt Mormon Tabernacle choir or  A Cappella hymns. I did that on Friday. That night, we met a woman named M. from Bolivia. She told us to come back on Saturday and she would have more time for us. We went back Saturday and had a great Restoration message with her. We invited her to church and she said that she would be going to her church first and then she would come to ours. Sunday, J. came to church and will be getting baptized on Saturday. Second hour, just like she promised, M. and her son J. came to church and was in our gospel principles class. It was super awesome and we have another appointment tomorrow. Elder Warner and I are obedient. But we are starting to be super obedient. We follow all the rules but are amping our consecration level. In return, the Lord is blessing us with people to teach and baptize! It's super awesome!

My talk this Sunday was on Pioneers because it was pioneer day. I took my Farewell talk on pioneering faith, translated it into Spanish and boom! Awesome talk!

We also taught this guy named J and his wife M. They are super cool! We read 2 Nephi 31 and talked about the Doctrine of Christ and how they need to be baptized! They were so excited because they knew what they needed to do to get to heaven. Once we asked, will you get baptized and prepare for this date they shut down and realized we mean business. Haha! They said once they get an answer to the Book of Mormon then they will. So... We'll see.

That's about it! Love ya

Monday, July 16, 2018

Year 1, Week 50: A Car Literally Blew Up....but we got a Picture

This week has been super busy!
We had interviews with President Mavromatis. He said he wanted each interview to last 10 minutes and with 18 missionaries in our zone it should have only taken 3 hours... Well. President said he wanted everyone at the church at 8 in the morning to begin interviews. We arrived at 8 in the morning and left at 4 in the afternoon. This day was sooooooo long! I had a good interview. We talked about what his plans were and then he asked me if I had any questions or concerns that I wanted him to address. There wasn't any so it ended. Some members of the zone had 40+ minute interviews. After that, President Mavromatis came to our apartment and looked at it and asked questions about our zone and individual companionship's. It was a long day. That night, we started our exchange with the Spanish Elders working in Framingham, MA.
I was working with Elder Hoisington. It was a great exchange and we got a lot done. I helped him to understand that whenever you contact a person to start teaching and testifying, instead of asking if they want to learn about the Gospel. It was great. I was in their area and got to check our Framingham and their apartment. 

On Thursday we had weekly planning and some other activities. We were able to go out and work that day and try to find people, set appointments, etc. Not very exciting day because we were planning.
We had District Meeting on Friday. Then we were able to go back down to Waterbury to see the baptism of G. Remember the girl Elder Neeley and I started teaching? We were a little late because a car literally blew up and was in flames on the freeway so we weren't able to actually see her get baptized. It was kind of a bummer, but we got a picture with all the missionaries who taught her. It was pretty cool. I will send that picture in a separate email. That night we drove to Boston to go on exchanges with the Assistants.
I was working with AP Harris. He has been out for 23 months and has been an assistant for the last 8 months. He is such a good missionary and his teaching skills are incredible! I learned a lot about teaching very simply and asking good questions to guide our teaching! It was super cool. We helped with a baptism that day so part of it was doing service but then we were out teaching, finding, contacting, and praying the rest the day! He is super consecrated to his mission and only listens to Mormon Tabernacle Choir and sometimes EFY. He always tries to stay in a spiritual mood. I learned a lot from him! We had several awesome lessons with people and followed the spirit's direction. We met with some people that they hadn't been able to get in touch with for months. It was a great exchange. I was super tired by the end of the night though. That was all Saturday.
Sunday is church, studies, and calls. So we weren't able to be out contacting a lot. We gave a blessing to a recent convert and Juan came to church! He is set to get baptized the 28th of July.
Not much else went down!!

Love you
Elder Bushman


Monday, July 9, 2018

Year 1, Week 49: We Obviously Didn't Drink any Corona

This week has flown by! Crazy fast! One of the people we are teaching is named J. He is a 6'4 Puerto Rican guy who is super super cool!! He was playing basketball a few days ago and he was about to posterize someone but on his last step before jumping he rolled his ankle and sprained it super sup bad. This was Saturday night. He wasn't able to come to church so we moved back his baptismal date to the 28th of July. He needs to attend church 2 more times and be taught a little more. We read in Alma 36 with him where Alma is telling Helaman about his rebellious youth days. Alma says that he was harrowed up by his sins. While reading this chapter I've understood it better than I ever have before. A harrow, is a farming tool that can either smooth dirt or rip and overturn the dirt. When Alma's soul was being harrowed up, he was being shredded because of his past mistakes. When a farmer harrows his field, it is being prepared for planting seeds. Alma says, "and when my mind caught hold of the name of Christ." His soul was being harrowed up so when he caught hold of the name of Jesus, a seed would be ready to be planted. It goes on to talk about the fruits of his labor and exquisite joy he felt after this event. A farmer would be joyful and enjoy the fruits of his labor and he harrowed, planted, watered, etc... So even when we as missionaries are teaching someone else, we learn so much too! We explained more what he needs to do to be baptized and he is so ready to go! I've met him once and already live him like a brother. That was just one cool lesson we had this week! 

Our district here in Worcester has been going nuts! This week we had 0 Baptisms, 3 People with Baptismal Dates, 0 People at Church, and 37 New People being taught. The people coming to church is lacking but we are killing it in every other aspect of the work!! One awesome lesson was when the English Elders tracted I to a family of 3. J, J and A! They set a time for us to come back and then moved on. Elder Warner and I went to the scheduled time and they were there! This family of 3 was home, with 5 chairs set up in a circle on there front lawn, and a Corona for each of us!! Now... We obviously didn't drink any Corona but I've never had an appointment where everyone was there, waiting, with chairs set up, and ready to listen! It was amazing! We picked them up as New people to teach and are looking forward to more lessons with them!

We had a ton of meetings this week with people. We had a welcome conference where we got to meet President and Sister Mavromatis. They are awesome! We are super excited to work with them and get to know them better. There English isn't super good but they get around it. He says he is 70% fluent in English. We also had MLC which stands for Zone Leadership Council. President Mavromatis laid out a whole new plan for the work and how it should go! He has a 10 step plan on how to do missionary work. These 10 steps are all an effort to get people to Sacrament meeting, if we do that, Baptisms will happen, wards will grow, stakes will split, and the work of God will continue!

1. Identify one family that can fellowship, come to lessons, give rides, etc.
- this will not be a official calling but an assignment from the bishop. They will be taught how do best help and in 3 months, another family will be called. Missionaries will then have 2 families to help, this will continue on and on until the families in the ward are all missionary minded. 

2. Print a list of all members of the ward. 
-visit all you do not know and report if there is any members who do not live there anymore. Try to teach the new people living there. 

3. Get a list of the last 12 months of baptized persons. Teach all people on this last the 5 lessons over again and help get them to church. 

4. Make gospel principles a powerful class. 

5. A member of the mission presidency will be at all male Baptisms 18+. This is an effort to help keep Priesthood on track so wards and stakes can split because of priesthood men. 

6. Utilize the ward mission leader. 

7. Never baptize without axillary leaders knowing those being baptized. 

8. Plan a spiritual baptismal service that has everything worked out. 

9. Set standards of excellence per area. Worcester is a bumping area and can have high standards of baptisms, baptismal dates, people at church, and new people being taught. 

10. Get involved in community service. 

All these steps will help find people to teach and will increase convert baptism and retention! It's a super awesome plan that we are excited about. More will follow when things start getting put into place.. 

This week, I was hugged unexpectedly by another drunk girl!! ;) she had gages, nose rings, vaping, drinking, tats!! It was pretty crazy. Liv and Mom got all the Asian boys in high school... I get the drunk women from MA and CT. 

Love you all! 

Elder Bushman


Monday, July 2, 2018

Year 1, Week 48: God is Great...

This week has been so slow, so fast, so exhausting, and so rewarding all in one!! Being in Worcester is going to be so much fun! I cannot wait to have more experiences here. So being a Zone Leader is fun but it comes with its challenges. Worcester is the second biggest city in MA so there are 8 missionaries alone here. Elder Warner and I, 2 English Sister named Sister McKee and Sister Fleming, Elder Blotter and Elder Petit (English Elders), and 2 English Sisters (Sister Brown and Sister Tychingco). These are all in the our District. With Worcester being so big there should be tons of work going in and we should be picking up so many new investigators and setting dates, having baptisms and converts going to the temple, but key indicators have been dropping as of late. Usually this Zone finds over 140 New People a month and is one of the best working zones. This month, 86 New People were found. Considerably low compared to what has been done in the past. Elder Warner and I have spent a lot of our time finding and planning on how we can help the zone bump Key Indicators back up and really help missionaries reach their full potential in missionary work. In the couple of days I have been here, we already see a drastic increase in efforts and are looking forward to seeing what can be accomplished. That is why it has been rewarding, exhausting. It has also been in the high 90's as of late which is never fun. Slow and Fast comes from finding all day! Anyway, I LOVE Worcester (Wustah) and can't wait to learn more!
President and Sister Mavromatis have arrived in the mission and we are having a Welcome Conference tomorrow. I have no idea of what to expect but it will be exciting to be working with them a lot closer and being able to learn more about the Gospel etc. I've already learned a lot and looking forward to more.

Worcester is SOOO great!! Such a fun area with tons of Hispanics and members! It's a branch of 50-60 so a lot more than Waterbury and Waltham! The apartment is Great! Smaller and I don't have my own bathroom but really nice! I've been blessed with very nice apartments on the mission! The members are nice. I've been assigned to teach Elders Quorum next week, give a talk on the 22nd and bare my testimony in church... So... Lots of stuff....Yes! Tons of investigators. It's super easy to pick people up here which is fun! A lot more people listen to our message! 

Elder Warner is super great! It's fun to serve with him and learn from him! Elder Warner and I have a guy who is going to be baptized on the 21st of July. His name is J and his friend served a mission and the friends mom is in our Ward. He has only come to church 1 time so we are going to be telling him that if he wants to make his baptismal date like he wants to, he will need to come to church for the next 2 weeks straight and for the REST of his life. To many people start there life on the right path and then stop coming to church. So we are going to be working with him to help him stay on the path after he gets baptized. We have been working super hard though. We have found many people to teach and have had some awesome lessons! We are going to be trying to set as many baptismal dates as we can. We are super excited! Not much more to tell for this week. Elder Warner is great! The Mission is Great! 
God is Great! Beer is bad... and People are crazy!! Elder Warner is a lover of Country music so...:)

Elder Bushman