Monday, July 23, 2018

Year 1, Week 51: Amping our Consecration Level

Wow! This week has been pretty crazy! So much stuff happened that I don't even know where to begin.

We first had another exchange with the Framingham English Elders. I stayed in Worcester while Elder Warner went to Framingham for the night. Elder Christiansen, an Elder from North Salt Lake and I were together. It was a great exchange and we found some people to start teaching! When have return appointments with both of the people for tomorrow. E and L are their names. We are going to be going on another exchange with Worcester English Elders tonight and tomorrow.

In the time I have been in Worcester, I have, taught Elders Quorum, spoken in Church, gave a training for District Leadership Council, given a training at Mission Leadership Council, gone on 3 exchanges and then this week I will be singing in Zone Conference again, giving a training at ZC and going on an exchange tomorrow. Plus teaching and finding. Let's just say that the month of July is a busy one!

This week I decided to be a lot more consecrated to the work. I deleted all of my music that wasnt Mormon Tabernacle choir or  A Cappella hymns. I did that on Friday. That night, we met a woman named M. from Bolivia. She told us to come back on Saturday and she would have more time for us. We went back Saturday and had a great Restoration message with her. We invited her to church and she said that she would be going to her church first and then she would come to ours. Sunday, J. came to church and will be getting baptized on Saturday. Second hour, just like she promised, M. and her son J. came to church and was in our gospel principles class. It was super awesome and we have another appointment tomorrow. Elder Warner and I are obedient. But we are starting to be super obedient. We follow all the rules but are amping our consecration level. In return, the Lord is blessing us with people to teach and baptize! It's super awesome!

My talk this Sunday was on Pioneers because it was pioneer day. I took my Farewell talk on pioneering faith, translated it into Spanish and boom! Awesome talk!

We also taught this guy named J and his wife M. They are super cool! We read 2 Nephi 31 and talked about the Doctrine of Christ and how they need to be baptized! They were so excited because they knew what they needed to do to get to heaven. Once we asked, will you get baptized and prepare for this date they shut down and realized we mean business. Haha! They said once they get an answer to the Book of Mormon then they will. So... We'll see.

That's about it! Love ya

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