Monday, July 2, 2018

Year 1, Week 48: God is Great...

This week has been so slow, so fast, so exhausting, and so rewarding all in one!! Being in Worcester is going to be so much fun! I cannot wait to have more experiences here. So being a Zone Leader is fun but it comes with its challenges. Worcester is the second biggest city in MA so there are 8 missionaries alone here. Elder Warner and I, 2 English Sister named Sister McKee and Sister Fleming, Elder Blotter and Elder Petit (English Elders), and 2 English Sisters (Sister Brown and Sister Tychingco). These are all in the our District. With Worcester being so big there should be tons of work going in and we should be picking up so many new investigators and setting dates, having baptisms and converts going to the temple, but key indicators have been dropping as of late. Usually this Zone finds over 140 New People a month and is one of the best working zones. This month, 86 New People were found. Considerably low compared to what has been done in the past. Elder Warner and I have spent a lot of our time finding and planning on how we can help the zone bump Key Indicators back up and really help missionaries reach their full potential in missionary work. In the couple of days I have been here, we already see a drastic increase in efforts and are looking forward to seeing what can be accomplished. That is why it has been rewarding, exhausting. It has also been in the high 90's as of late which is never fun. Slow and Fast comes from finding all day! Anyway, I LOVE Worcester (Wustah) and can't wait to learn more!
President and Sister Mavromatis have arrived in the mission and we are having a Welcome Conference tomorrow. I have no idea of what to expect but it will be exciting to be working with them a lot closer and being able to learn more about the Gospel etc. I've already learned a lot and looking forward to more.

Worcester is SOOO great!! Such a fun area with tons of Hispanics and members! It's a branch of 50-60 so a lot more than Waterbury and Waltham! The apartment is Great! Smaller and I don't have my own bathroom but really nice! I've been blessed with very nice apartments on the mission! The members are nice. I've been assigned to teach Elders Quorum next week, give a talk on the 22nd and bare my testimony in church... So... Lots of stuff....Yes! Tons of investigators. It's super easy to pick people up here which is fun! A lot more people listen to our message! 

Elder Warner is super great! It's fun to serve with him and learn from him! Elder Warner and I have a guy who is going to be baptized on the 21st of July. His name is J and his friend served a mission and the friends mom is in our Ward. He has only come to church 1 time so we are going to be telling him that if he wants to make his baptismal date like he wants to, he will need to come to church for the next 2 weeks straight and for the REST of his life. To many people start there life on the right path and then stop coming to church. So we are going to be working with him to help him stay on the path after he gets baptized. We have been working super hard though. We have found many people to teach and have had some awesome lessons! We are going to be trying to set as many baptismal dates as we can. We are super excited! Not much more to tell for this week. Elder Warner is great! The Mission is Great! 
God is Great! Beer is bad... and People are crazy!! Elder Warner is a lover of Country music so...:)

Elder Bushman

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