Monday, August 27, 2018

Year 2, Week 4: Every Single One Fell Through

Hello Family!

This week has been great! Not as much success and awesome stories as last week but still good things going on! Lets report on the people we have taught.

J&D. J got sick and went to the Hospital on Saturday night. We called her to confirm that she was going to be going to church and she let us know. She said that she still wanted too and that she would tell us in the morning. When we called her she let us know that she was still feeling sick and couldn't make it. She said she was uncomfortable to just send her kids so they all missed church. We have an appointment with them on Wednesday and we are planning on teaching the Plan of Salvation.

J&E. Wow... So they are still super awesome but we haven't been able to get in touch with them. We might be dropping them because they didn't come to church either Sundays and haven't answered our calls. We really want to know whats been going on with them and if there is something we can help them with before we move on so... I will keep you posted.

H. We were supposed to be meeting with him this week but he missed his appointment and isn't answering his phone. He missed church as well for unknown reasons. He has 3 daughters who are all baptism age and we are really hoping that we can teach all of them. Again, I will keep you all posted on progress.

We were cleaning up our area book and calling people. We called a girl named M and she answered and asked us to come over. We had a super good appointment with her and invited her to be baptized on the 22nd of September. She accepted and said she would be coming to church. When we tried to call her to follow up, we found out that the phone number we had is her Grandmas and the address we have is also her grandmas. Basically, when we called and went over, it was a super lucky time to catch her and so we didn't know that her information was wrong. She said that she had met people in all Black and gave them her information and they never called her, so when we did, she thought it was them. Anyway, she didn't come to church so we don't know what is happening with her.

We had meetings and other things going on, lots of time was spent trying to have appointments work out to no avail. 

On Saturday, we had 10 teaching appointments! Starting at 9 in the morning and finishing 9:30 at night! It could have been the best day ever but not ONE appointment happened. EVERY SINGLE ONE fell through. It was a pretty rough day. Anyway! I'm doing great!

Love you all! 

Elder Bushman


Monday, August 20, 2018

Year 2, Week 3: Excited for More!

Hello Fam,

Wow... what a week. In some ways, it feels super super long, and in other ways, it feels very very short! Monday and Tuesday were last minute visits and Wednesday, Elder Warner left to go to Weston. It was a bummer. Elder Neeley, Elder Curzon, and Elder Warner are going to be life long friends and I was a little bummed we were only together for 1 transfer. Elder Fragoso came here and we quickly started working. We started trying to contact part member families. We stopped by one of our members to talk about why his kids weren't baptized but he wasn't home. We went up to the top floor to just knockin his house and we met a guy who let us in. We taught the Restoration and during it, the guy, J, told us he had done some crazy things. He has been in prison for 14 years. He now, has been on Probation for the last 17 years and he gets off of probation December 12th. For people to get baptized, they cannot be on probation. We extended a baptismal date for the 15th of December. The Saturday after the 12th and he said, "wow. That's my birthday. Yes. I will be baptized then." It was a great lesson. We went back the following day and talked with him and his wife and the member who lived on the first floor. We extended the same date to her and she accepted as well. It was super cool how we met them right when his probation is going to end. They didn't make it to church like they said but we will keep trying with them.

Friday, we were making more visits and decided to call J. We set up a time for later that night and asked Hermano De Aza to come with us. We taught them the Restoration again with her daughter D. It was a great lesson and she said she would pay a taxi to bring her to church. Hermano de Aza said that he would be able to pick them up and bring them. We extended a baptismal date for September 15th and they accepted it. They said, "wow. September 15th is J's (the 6 year old son) birthday." They came to church and loved it. D is 11 and she went to Young Womens and J. went to Primary. J came with us to Gospel Principles and enjoyed it. We will meet with them tomorrow and they will be coming to church next Sunday.

Saturday night, we were meeting with a member family to ask if they would help us get in touch with their Sister in law. We want to start teaching her and they said they would help us. After leaving there house, we talked with a guy from Ecuador. His name is H. and he was a little drunk so we just got his info, gave him ours, invited him to church, and left. We called him Sunday morning and he said he was going to come. Well Henry did show up. He came and sat with us during Sacrament. We haven't even had a lesson with him. We will be teaching him this week and extending a baptismal date. I've never had a random person on the street come to church without tons of fallow up calls and arrangements of rides etc. So we have had a lot of success.

The week has been good! I'm doing well! Excited for more to follow!

Love ya

Elder Bushman

Monday, August 13, 2018

Year 2, Week 2: I Love the Mission! I Love the People!

This week has been good. Elder Warner has been transferred to Waltham. The Weston Sisters have been moved out and Elder Warner will be training an English missionary in a half Spanish, half English area. This has never happened before, at least that I know of. He seems to be doing ok with the change and adjustment. Hopefully he will have success. Elder Fragoso is my new companion. He is from Utah and knows Jessica Larson from High School. He is a super hard worker and his parents are from Mexico. He is a fluent Spanish speaker so I will be asking him questions about the Spanish language. I am looking forward to this transfer. A little nervous though. In our mission, for each Zone there are 2 Zone Leaders, with one Zone Leader as the Lead Zone Leader. Usually the Lead ZL has been a Zone Leader for several transfers etc. Most ZL's will have been a Zone Leader for 2 transfers before they "train" a new Zone Leader or before they become the Lead. In this case, I have been with Elder Warner for 1 transfer and am the Lead Zone Leader. All Zone decisions will be made by me and Elder Fragoso but the real training of him will come from me. I am excited to grow and everything but it's nice being comfortable. I guess I have been comfortable too long and the Lord is ready for me to get back to the refining.
We didn't have any Investigators come to church this week. Elder Petit and I were on exchanges on Saturday and found some pretty cool people to work with. One guy is named M. He is from El Salvador. When ever I meet someone from El Salvador, first thing i say is, Le Gusta Pupusas?? You will always get a great reaction from some white boy, speaking spanish, knowing their food. Same thing with Dominicans. If I meet a Dominican, you say, A Un Tigere. I honestly don't know what it means but its a nickname for Domincans. Then you just talk about their food and instant love and respect from them. We will see if there is any potential from him.
There is a lady that the English Elders met named M. She is from Dominican Republic and I met her when I was on exchanges with Elder Blotter a couple weeks ago. I did the normal routine of asking her about her food and what part of the DR she was from. She invited Elder Warner and I over to have Lunch with her. We saw her again a couple days later and she told us to come again and get food. We showed up and she fed us lunch and then she gave us a TON of food. Random stuff she bought from the store. We told her that we were ok and she didn't need to give us anything but she said that she got it for us and if we didn't take it she would be mad. So we took it. Ill send some pictures of the week.
Anyway,  not much else happened.
 The week was good! I love the mission! I love the people! I love working in Worcester! I love you all.
Elder Bushman

Monday, August 6, 2018

Year 2, Week 1: We Mean Business

This week has been pretty good. We had a lesson with a lady named W. She listened to the entire Restoration and said that it was super cool how Joseph Smith was called as a prophet. She loved the Book of Mormon up until the part where we told her that Jesus Christ came to the Americas and established his church and called 12 apostles. First time in my entire mission that someone has had a problem with another set of apostles. Prophets yes, another book yes, but another set of apostles has never been a problem. She pretty much freaked out and said that we were welcome back to talk with her and she would even feed us, but, she is Catholic and she doesn't want to learn any more about our church. So that was a pretty sad experience.
We did have a super cool lesson with a guy named J. He never tells us when we can come over so we just show up and he invites us in and we share a message. We have done that with the Restoration, Plan of Salvation, and Gospel of Jesus Christ. We have invited him to be baptized and he said when he knows the Book of Mormon is true. We have helped him to realize though that we mean business and we aren't going to just beat around the bush with him. He is super cool though. Hopefully he will actually read etc.
M and J  have gone on vacation with their family to Washington so we haven't been able to meet with them at all.
J wasn't able to come to church yesterday and he hasn't been able to meet with us so we haven't taught him any of the new convert lessons.
We did meet a super cool lady named J. She is from Puerto Rico and we met her while knocking doors. We gave her a Book of Mormon and set up a time to come back. When we did she was ready to talk with us. We taught the Restoration and invited her to be baptized. She said she would and that she would also come to church. She didn't make it to church because he kids got sick but she said she would come next week.
I hit my year mark this week. Elder Warner and I went to Texas Roadhouse to celebrate and we each got 16oz Steaks! The country music playing in the background was definitely the best part of the experience with steaks and 2 Cesar salads as sides coming to a close second. Peanuts were good too.
We also went to Wings over Worcester this week. The Best wing place in Worcester!! $14.99 for over 1lb of chicken covered in their signature sauces. I got a super hot buffalo sauce and a another spicy one so the sugar content wouldn't be too high!
Anyway... I'm kinda rambling on and on. It was a good week.
Love ya
Elder Bushman

Thursday, August 2, 2018

August 2, 2018: One Year!

My One Year Mark Celebration: Texas Roadhouse

I hit my year mark this week. Elder Warner and I went to Texas Roadhouse to celebrate and we each got 16oz Steaks! The country music playing in the background was definitely the best part of the experience with steaks and 2 Cesar salads as sides coming to a close second. Peanuts were good too.