Monday, August 20, 2018

Year 2, Week 3: Excited for More!

Hello Fam,

Wow... what a week. In some ways, it feels super super long, and in other ways, it feels very very short! Monday and Tuesday were last minute visits and Wednesday, Elder Warner left to go to Weston. It was a bummer. Elder Neeley, Elder Curzon, and Elder Warner are going to be life long friends and I was a little bummed we were only together for 1 transfer. Elder Fragoso came here and we quickly started working. We started trying to contact part member families. We stopped by one of our members to talk about why his kids weren't baptized but he wasn't home. We went up to the top floor to just knockin his house and we met a guy who let us in. We taught the Restoration and during it, the guy, J, told us he had done some crazy things. He has been in prison for 14 years. He now, has been on Probation for the last 17 years and he gets off of probation December 12th. For people to get baptized, they cannot be on probation. We extended a baptismal date for the 15th of December. The Saturday after the 12th and he said, "wow. That's my birthday. Yes. I will be baptized then." It was a great lesson. We went back the following day and talked with him and his wife and the member who lived on the first floor. We extended the same date to her and she accepted as well. It was super cool how we met them right when his probation is going to end. They didn't make it to church like they said but we will keep trying with them.

Friday, we were making more visits and decided to call J. We set up a time for later that night and asked Hermano De Aza to come with us. We taught them the Restoration again with her daughter D. It was a great lesson and she said she would pay a taxi to bring her to church. Hermano de Aza said that he would be able to pick them up and bring them. We extended a baptismal date for September 15th and they accepted it. They said, "wow. September 15th is J's (the 6 year old son) birthday." They came to church and loved it. D is 11 and she went to Young Womens and J. went to Primary. J came with us to Gospel Principles and enjoyed it. We will meet with them tomorrow and they will be coming to church next Sunday.

Saturday night, we were meeting with a member family to ask if they would help us get in touch with their Sister in law. We want to start teaching her and they said they would help us. After leaving there house, we talked with a guy from Ecuador. His name is H. and he was a little drunk so we just got his info, gave him ours, invited him to church, and left. We called him Sunday morning and he said he was going to come. Well Henry did show up. He came and sat with us during Sacrament. We haven't even had a lesson with him. We will be teaching him this week and extending a baptismal date. I've never had a random person on the street come to church without tons of fallow up calls and arrangements of rides etc. So we have had a lot of success.

The week has been good! I'm doing well! Excited for more to follow!

Love ya

Elder Bushman

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