Monday, August 6, 2018

Year 2, Week 1: We Mean Business

This week has been pretty good. We had a lesson with a lady named W. She listened to the entire Restoration and said that it was super cool how Joseph Smith was called as a prophet. She loved the Book of Mormon up until the part where we told her that Jesus Christ came to the Americas and established his church and called 12 apostles. First time in my entire mission that someone has had a problem with another set of apostles. Prophets yes, another book yes, but another set of apostles has never been a problem. She pretty much freaked out and said that we were welcome back to talk with her and she would even feed us, but, she is Catholic and she doesn't want to learn any more about our church. So that was a pretty sad experience.
We did have a super cool lesson with a guy named J. He never tells us when we can come over so we just show up and he invites us in and we share a message. We have done that with the Restoration, Plan of Salvation, and Gospel of Jesus Christ. We have invited him to be baptized and he said when he knows the Book of Mormon is true. We have helped him to realize though that we mean business and we aren't going to just beat around the bush with him. He is super cool though. Hopefully he will actually read etc.
M and J  have gone on vacation with their family to Washington so we haven't been able to meet with them at all.
J wasn't able to come to church yesterday and he hasn't been able to meet with us so we haven't taught him any of the new convert lessons.
We did meet a super cool lady named J. She is from Puerto Rico and we met her while knocking doors. We gave her a Book of Mormon and set up a time to come back. When we did she was ready to talk with us. We taught the Restoration and invited her to be baptized. She said she would and that she would also come to church. She didn't make it to church because he kids got sick but she said she would come next week.
I hit my year mark this week. Elder Warner and I went to Texas Roadhouse to celebrate and we each got 16oz Steaks! The country music playing in the background was definitely the best part of the experience with steaks and 2 Cesar salads as sides coming to a close second. Peanuts were good too.
We also went to Wings over Worcester this week. The Best wing place in Worcester!! $14.99 for over 1lb of chicken covered in their signature sauces. I got a super hot buffalo sauce and a another spicy one so the sugar content wouldn't be too high!
Anyway... I'm kinda rambling on and on. It was a good week.
Love ya
Elder Bushman

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