Monday, September 24, 2018

Year 2, Week 8: The Best Lesson of my Mission

This week has been great! We had several awesome things that have been happening so we are excited.

First of all, we have heard tons of rumors about this General Conference. Several Missionaries have heard from family and friends in the MTC's that the Apostles have said, "This Conference, you all need testimonies. If you do not have a testimony, this could be the conference that breaks you." From further discussion amongst missionaries, we have come to a conclusion that something hard is going to happen. With the release of the book Saints, we read a lot about the hard things the members of the church had to do. Now, when was the last "hard" thing was?? I can't even think of something that's been hard. So, several things have risen as we have discussed the upcoming events of the Conference. We think, because of the hastening of the work that Sisters might be called to serve 2 year missions and Elders called to serve 3 year missions. Anyone on missions have the choice to extend to the new standard or come home at the appointed time. In the Saints book, several chapters are dedicated to Polygamy. Probably won't come back because there is no real reason for it too, but... its possible! Idk.. Whatever comes, I think it will be hard and test our faith. Hopefully we all have a testimony and it won't be as hard.

We had a great lesson with O. this week. It was the best lesson of my mission and best lesson of Elder Fragoso's mission. We went to teach O. and his brother who we started teaching. The last lesson we had with them, S., the brother of O., said the closing prayer. In his prayer, he prayed to Jesus Christ and ended in the name of Heavenly Father. For this lesson, we were going to go over the God Head with a focus of the Holy Ghost and how, through prayer and reading, they could receive an answer. We started by opening to the back of the Book of Mormon and reading the guide to the Scriptures under the Holy Ghost. It talks about the role the Holy Ghost has and the importance of it. We then headed to the introduction and discussed the very first promise made in the Book of Mormon. We talked about how there are three things they will learn when they know the Book of Mormon is true. They will know that Jesus is their Savior and Redeemer, that Joseph Smith was His Prophet and Seer, and that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is Christ's church. With that, they need to do three things. Church, pray, read. Once we discussed that and how important reading and praying was, we went to Moroni 10:4-5. We discussed what prayer does. With a real intent, seeking in humility and through prayer, we can receive an answer. We asked them if they have any experiences with the Holy Ghost and they both shared experiences where they almost died and they felt, when they lived, that God was there. We helped them understand that that feeling was the Holy Ghost. We then taught them how to pray. We told them why we address our Heavenly Father first, explain things we are grateful for and what we need, and end in the name of Jesus Christ. I asked them if we could practice what we just taught. I first said a prayer, going through the steps we had taught them. Next, O. said his own prayer in the correct way. We talked about the feeling that was there with them in that moment. They said that they now know what the Holy Ghost feels like. We testified and closed our lesson with S. saying the concluding prayer. He did it perfectly and it was an amazing lesson! We committed them to baptism on the 27th of October and to continue praying, reading and coming to church. They didn't come to church however...

That was the biggest thing that happened. Mom asked me what being a Zone Leader was like so I will write a little on that.

It's nothing special really. All you do is watch over and help serve. Its just like any President of a Quorum except we don't have any keys. In a transfer we, create a Zone Vision, something to direct District Leaders for their District Councils, go on exchanges with the Assistants, with District Leaders, and any other struggling companionships. We record Key Indicators of Conversion and report that to the Assistants, attend Mission Leadership Council, go to Zone Conference and give a training based upon information sent to us from the Assistants. That's about it. We set an example and try to be the best missionaries we can. 

For exchanges, we discuss the needs of each companion and who can better help the Elder overcome his issues. We pray and discuss as a companionship. A lot is rotation and who you've already been with but that can change and you can go with others. 

I've learned a lot from Elder Fragoso. He is very effective and efficient with his time. A lot of missionaries tract for days on the mission. That's what we think missions are. President Mavromatis has asked us to move away from tracting but I was never sure of what to fill time with when we aren't tracting. I learned from Elder Fragoso to work through our area book and have it be clean and record things to know when people need to be stopped teaching etc. Its hard to explain in one paragraph but I can spend more time on that if you want me too!

Anyway, about out of time! Love you all! Take care.

Elder Bushman

Monday, September 17, 2018

Year 2, Week 7: Pray They Will Know the Church is True

Dear Family,

This week has been good but super busy. We had Zone Conference, Interviews, 2 exchanges, and then trying to work on top of that. 

Starting with Zone conference we talked a lot about following the Spirit and relying on the Spirit. The Sister Training Leaders and us gave a training on when we say "I don't know" to pray for direction instead of trying to think of something to do. It was great. Everything we are trying to implement into our Zone was discussed at Zone Conference. It was pretty sweet! President Mavromatis got up to speak and said, "If you all stay awake during my talk, I will give you an extra PDAY and 200 miles! Will you all stay awake??" When we all said yes he said, "Sorry Elder and Sisters... Im joking!" It was super funny! He is a great guy. I will work on getting a photo of us.

Interviews were nuts. We were told to be there by 2 so we arrived at 1:30 to set up a room and gets chairs etc. Well, President was running late by 2 hours and didn't get there until 4:30.. So we were there until about 9:45. We started exchanges that night and didn't get back for a while! We were on exchanges from Wednesday night to Friday morning and then switched Friday morning and went until Saturday morning! It was pretty crazy! 

J&D didn't come to church. They didn't feel well so they didn't come. We learned of some other problems so we will be working with them more but want to really help them.

M&G didn't come either because of sickness. On exchanges Elder Fragoso taught them about being baptized and they expressed concern that they think all churches have God and that not just one church is true. We invited them to pray and they are doing that. We are teaching them tonight to follow up. Pray they will know the church is true.

We have been working with several part members. We have taught the but so far, nobody has come to church which is a problem. We are still working with them and should get more of them to church this week.

The coolest story this week was about a woman named C. She was an old media referral who wanted a Book of Mormon but nobody every updated it. So we got a random notification and set up a time to go by. Her brother O. was there but C. wasn't. We taught O. the Restoration and invited him to read, pray, attend church, and be baptized. He accepted all of them. Then, the next day, he came to church! It was awesome!! He is a super super awesome guy! We are meeting with him again on Wednesday and are going to try to set a baptismal date. 

Other than that... Not much going on! Life is good! I'm loving the mission! Everything is great!!

Love you all! I forgot to bring my recorder so I will try to come back to get that sent!!

Elder Bushman


Monday, September 10, 2018

Year 2, Week 6: I Literally Fell 10-14 Feet out of a Tree

First off, this week has been pretty good.

J&D, M&G all came to church so 4 people were with us in Sacrament Meeting. M&G had an event up in Boston but they were late to it so they could come to the first hour of church. They were in Sacrament Meeting and loved it! J&D liked church as well and stayed for all 3 hours. 

D is 11 almost 12 so she goes out with the young women to class and has a great time. J came with us to Gospel Doctrine this week. There is a Stake wide event called come and see that is designed for the youth of the church to invite their friends to hear more about the Gospel and to come to church. Since we have very little youth in our ward, we are focusing this on the adults, to invite their friends to come to church with them. It is going pretty well. Elder Fragoso and I and the Spanish Sisters taught the adults on how to invite their friends. By the end, we asked them to send us the name of one of their friends so we could remind them to invite them. J said, "What if we don't know what to say about church?" We asked her to tell us why she liked church and so she stated that the reason that she likes coming to church is because of the peace that she feels. She started crying as she was saying it and then texted us the name of the person she is going to invite to come to church with her. She isn't even a member of the church and she is doing more missionary work than some of the members. It was awesome! 

In third hour of church there was a teaching of self reliance and J signed up to participate in the church sponsored program. She even found a way to get herself there!! It was a great day at church. 

Other than that, We did teach J&D this week but they missed church last week and so we had to drop their baptismal dates. We will be setting one up in the coming days. 

We did some service for M&G. She is laying concrete in her backyard so the people who rent rooms from her have somewhere other then the street to park. We were clearing some trees and the only way to get to a high branch was to climb the tree. So while doing so, I grabbed a super thick branch and puled myself higher into the tree. I did not, however, realize that this particular branch was completely dead and broke as i maneuvered higher and I literally fell about 10-14 feet out of a tree. It was pretty Awesome!! It was cool how we could help her. I then cut up 4 pallets of wood with an axe so I got a pretty good daily work out!!

We went on exchanges this week with two sets of different missionaries. So far, I've gone on three exchanges in the last 10 days and will be going on 2 more in the next week! We have interviews and Zone Conference this week which will be awesome!!

We had a barbecue at a members house. They had tons of meat which was great for me and we met tons of part members that we are have been trying to get in touch with. We should be on our way to having more solid people to teach and come to church.

Other than that, not much happened! Its was a great week!

Elder Bushman

Monday, September 3, 2018

Year 2, Week 5: Coolest Guy Ever

Hello Family,

This week has been pretty good. Again, nothing spectacular happened. We were able to go to the Temple today which was super cool. A member named Hermano De Aza from the DR took us. He is literally the coolest guy ever. We had a lesson with a man named D. who is the father of a Recent Convert. We were teaching the Restoration and he said that he is a Catholic. He declined the invitation to read the Book of Mormon because his parents are catholic, his cousins are catholic. It's tradition to be Catholic and he wasn't going to change. Hermano De Aza told him that Saul, in the Bible, thought that everything he was doing was right and just. Jesus Christ visited him and told him that what he was doing was wrong and he needed to change. We then re invited him to come to church and read the Book of Mormon and he agreed. It was awesome! Hermano De Aza comes to lessons, gives rides to church, and drove us to the temple and did an Endowment Session with us. 

On Saturday we had confirmed for 6 people to come to church. When church came, not one person showed up at church. It was labor day weekend and church did get rescheduled to 9 am because half of our branch was going to some camp and needed to combine with the English ward. We woke up at 5 in the morning and got ready so we could get to the church by 8 to have all the translation equipment set up. Not even members of our branch who weren't going to the camp came. Anyway... its all good. Trying again for next week.

We had to drop J&E. They haven't answered our phone calls and when we've stopped by they told us that they were busy at the moment and didn't know when we could return. So we dropped them and will try in the next couple of months. Maybe when he gets closer to getting off parol. 

J&D are still doing well. They didn't come to church but we have a lesson with them tonight that will hopefully be good. I'll let you know the status on them next week.

We went on exchanges with the Assistants but half of the day we just sat around because they had to figure out an emergency transfer. Anyway. Not much else happened!

Love you all!

Elder Bushman