Monday, September 10, 2018

Year 2, Week 6: I Literally Fell 10-14 Feet out of a Tree

First off, this week has been pretty good.

J&D, M&G all came to church so 4 people were with us in Sacrament Meeting. M&G had an event up in Boston but they were late to it so they could come to the first hour of church. They were in Sacrament Meeting and loved it! J&D liked church as well and stayed for all 3 hours. 

D is 11 almost 12 so she goes out with the young women to class and has a great time. J came with us to Gospel Doctrine this week. There is a Stake wide event called come and see that is designed for the youth of the church to invite their friends to hear more about the Gospel and to come to church. Since we have very little youth in our ward, we are focusing this on the adults, to invite their friends to come to church with them. It is going pretty well. Elder Fragoso and I and the Spanish Sisters taught the adults on how to invite their friends. By the end, we asked them to send us the name of one of their friends so we could remind them to invite them. J said, "What if we don't know what to say about church?" We asked her to tell us why she liked church and so she stated that the reason that she likes coming to church is because of the peace that she feels. She started crying as she was saying it and then texted us the name of the person she is going to invite to come to church with her. She isn't even a member of the church and she is doing more missionary work than some of the members. It was awesome! 

In third hour of church there was a teaching of self reliance and J signed up to participate in the church sponsored program. She even found a way to get herself there!! It was a great day at church. 

Other than that, We did teach J&D this week but they missed church last week and so we had to drop their baptismal dates. We will be setting one up in the coming days. 

We did some service for M&G. She is laying concrete in her backyard so the people who rent rooms from her have somewhere other then the street to park. We were clearing some trees and the only way to get to a high branch was to climb the tree. So while doing so, I grabbed a super thick branch and puled myself higher into the tree. I did not, however, realize that this particular branch was completely dead and broke as i maneuvered higher and I literally fell about 10-14 feet out of a tree. It was pretty Awesome!! It was cool how we could help her. I then cut up 4 pallets of wood with an axe so I got a pretty good daily work out!!

We went on exchanges this week with two sets of different missionaries. So far, I've gone on three exchanges in the last 10 days and will be going on 2 more in the next week! We have interviews and Zone Conference this week which will be awesome!!

We had a barbecue at a members house. They had tons of meat which was great for me and we met tons of part members that we are have been trying to get in touch with. We should be on our way to having more solid people to teach and come to church.

Other than that, not much happened! Its was a great week!

Elder Bushman

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