Monday, September 17, 2018

Year 2, Week 7: Pray They Will Know the Church is True

Dear Family,

This week has been good but super busy. We had Zone Conference, Interviews, 2 exchanges, and then trying to work on top of that. 

Starting with Zone conference we talked a lot about following the Spirit and relying on the Spirit. The Sister Training Leaders and us gave a training on when we say "I don't know" to pray for direction instead of trying to think of something to do. It was great. Everything we are trying to implement into our Zone was discussed at Zone Conference. It was pretty sweet! President Mavromatis got up to speak and said, "If you all stay awake during my talk, I will give you an extra PDAY and 200 miles! Will you all stay awake??" When we all said yes he said, "Sorry Elder and Sisters... Im joking!" It was super funny! He is a great guy. I will work on getting a photo of us.

Interviews were nuts. We were told to be there by 2 so we arrived at 1:30 to set up a room and gets chairs etc. Well, President was running late by 2 hours and didn't get there until 4:30.. So we were there until about 9:45. We started exchanges that night and didn't get back for a while! We were on exchanges from Wednesday night to Friday morning and then switched Friday morning and went until Saturday morning! It was pretty crazy! 

J&D didn't come to church. They didn't feel well so they didn't come. We learned of some other problems so we will be working with them more but want to really help them.

M&G didn't come either because of sickness. On exchanges Elder Fragoso taught them about being baptized and they expressed concern that they think all churches have God and that not just one church is true. We invited them to pray and they are doing that. We are teaching them tonight to follow up. Pray they will know the church is true.

We have been working with several part members. We have taught the but so far, nobody has come to church which is a problem. We are still working with them and should get more of them to church this week.

The coolest story this week was about a woman named C. She was an old media referral who wanted a Book of Mormon but nobody every updated it. So we got a random notification and set up a time to go by. Her brother O. was there but C. wasn't. We taught O. the Restoration and invited him to read, pray, attend church, and be baptized. He accepted all of them. Then, the next day, he came to church! It was awesome!! He is a super super awesome guy! We are meeting with him again on Wednesday and are going to try to set a baptismal date. 

Other than that... Not much going on! Life is good! I'm loving the mission! Everything is great!!

Love you all! I forgot to bring my recorder so I will try to come back to get that sent!!

Elder Bushman


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