Monday, October 8, 2018

Year 2, Week 10: We had 7 People Watch Conference

Hello Family!

This week has been pretty good! Lots of stuff going on and happening. Biggest news is that General Conference happened. We had 7 people watch conference. Some came to the church and others watched from their houses. It was a great day! I will be honest. I thought a lot more stuff was going to happen so when President Nelson got up for the last time, I was expecting a BOMB to drop. 12 new temples is awesome but I was expecting a little more.

Other than that, not a lot happened this week. We spent most of our time in some meetings and really trying to get people to come and watch conference. A, R, O, and S all watched it so they are still looking good to be baptized on the 27th of October.

We had several meetings this week as well. We met with President Mavromatis, Sister Mavromatis, the Stake President, the High Councilman over the Ward Mission Leaders. We talked all about what the plans for the Stake are and how we can help accomplish those goals! It went great. 

We had a Mission Leadership Council as well. We were there for hours and I skipped the lunch they had! We talked a lot about what things are happening in our mission that is causing lower results. Over the past 4 years, our mission has averaged 34 baptisms a month. The highest in the East! This last couple of months, it is has declined to 15 baptisms in the month of September. We talked about why this is happening and set in plans to achieve better results through higher obedience and more consecrated actions. Our goal is to have 26 baptisms in our mission this month. Our Zone is looking like we will be able to help 13 people get baptized! We are really trying to stretch ourselves and read that goal! Other than that, not much has happened!

Sorry for the short letter! Love you all!!

Elder Bushman

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