Monday, October 1, 2018

Year 2, Week 9: They Love the Book of Mormon

This week has been great! Lots of awesome things are happening!

First off, A and R! This is a super cool story from last week but I wasn't sure how awesome it was going to turn out but it turned out great! 

One day, Elder Fragoso and I were calling all the less active men in our records. We called the number of an 18-30 year old male named T. When we called, it went through to his mother and we talked with her. T is actually a child of record but was never baptized at 8. So we were wanting to teach him. We found out that she has 2 more kids over the age of 11. When we got there, they were home and we taught the 2 kids, not T, about the Restoration. Hermana L, the mother, said that the reason her 2 kids haven't been baptized is because her husband and her are going through a divorce and he has custody on Sundays and never wanted them to be baptized. On Friday, they have a court date to finalize the divorce and to change custody schedules so her kids can come to church. Sooo... We happened to call a week and a half before this and set up times. If everything goes the right way, they should be coming to church for the next three Sundays and will be getting baptized on the 27th of October

O, S and R are some other guys we are teaching. They were telling us before we started about reading in the Book of Mormon about Nephi killing Laban. They love the Book of Mormon. We had a great lesson about the Plan of Salvation. We talked about why it's important for them to know everything that they know. Super Awesome lesson! Then, yesterday, they all came to church. During Gospel Principles we asked S and O how they know that there is a God. O said that the missionaries called just at the right time. They hadn't heard from missionaries in over 5 years and then all the sudden, one day, we call! He said he found God when he was in prison for 15 days and knew that we weren't a coincidence. Super awesome story!! Then, after we taught O, S arrives from the Dominican Republic to be with his brother. So it all worked out because God is amazing and blesses people. We have a lesson with them tonight! Its going to be super good.

We had a special Zone Conference this week with the Area President, President Bennett. He is super awesome and helped us identify some of the things that is holding back our success. Some of that list includes, a lack of focus on Preach my Gospel, not effective time usage, not having enough faith, etc. So that was awesome! He was super loving and awesome! He told us that an Apostle said that in our area, tens of thousands of people woke up that morning willing and ready to except the Gospel. All we have to do is be obedient, work hard, rely on the Lord, and keep trying. It was super awesome!! 

Because of this meeting with President Bennett, we are having a mission leadership council this Thursday! We are super excited!!

Anyway, not much else happened! It was a great week. Love you all!!!

Elder Bushman

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