Monday, April 22, 2019

Year 2, Week 38: There Were 80 People There

Wow! This week has been really good! I've highly enjoyed it! Lots of things happened that were pretty awesome!

So we had a lesson with D, M and J. this week. When we first walked in they were asking us that after they are baptized if D. will be able to go on a mission! We said yes and told them that he can go and serve in Puerto Rico, Honduras, Brazil or anywhere in the world! During that moment, I honestly realized why the mission is all worth it. Two years of serving is completely worth a lesson like that! We talked about Easter and the need for Jesus Christ. I'm sad that I'm going to be done teaching them. Tonight will be our last lesson before I move on to Cambridge, MA. We are bringing a member who will be able to give some solid support with their divorce! So I'm hoping that they will be ready for baptism before I leave the mission field! Elder Shkapich will continue working with them. They also came to church this week!

We also had Zone Conference this week! President talked a lot about the last week of the life of Jesus Christ and all the events that occurred. He discussed a lot about what miracles happened and the reason why things happened! It was very cool! Then the assistants talked about raising our faith in Christ and memorize the Living Christ! So I started on that. A lot of it I remember from when I memorized it in 6th grade so it hasn't been too hard! It's a really cool testimony that is given from the Prophets! The Zone Leaders talked a lot about how we need to implement the Doctrine of Christ more fully into our teaching. Elder Shkapich and I were asked to do a demonstration of teaching the doctrine of Baptism. Why we are baptized, the Covenants we make, etc.

We also had a lesson with T. this week. Her court date got changed so we are hoping that she can get baptized and get the gift of the holy ghost, go to the temple to do baptisms, and if she gets sent back then to contact the missionaries and ward when she goes. So we are going to be praying for them a lot and having some major faith!

Some other cool experiences included receiving our transfer texts telling me that I'm going to Cambridge, Easter, church! There were 80 people there! It was so amazing for a branch that had just been created a little while ago!

Anyway! I love you!

Elder Bushman


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