Monday, April 29, 2019

Year 2, Week 39: The City of Cambridge

Well! This letter is gonna be short and sweet! Because we just got transferred here nothing much has happened. We got here on Wednesday and went out into the city of Cambridge. There isn't a lot of Hispanic areas within walking distance and so we talked to many English Speakers. It was cool to be out in the city though! 
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday were calling everyone in our Area Book. The sisters before us never stopped teaching people with interest even if they showed no interest. So our area book said it had about 350 people who were interested. That was definitely not the case! We were able to set up a lot of appointments and clean out that a lot. We know have a bigger handle on who is actually interested in our message! 
We did have a good lesson on Sunday night with a guy named E. He was in the area book and we called and set up an appointment. He has some religious background but doesn't know what churches believe. He only has heard Bible stories. As we were teaching the Restoration, we asked him what he wants most in this life. He said he wants to stay on God's path and he wants to be happy with his family. 2 things the Gospel will bring us! We testified of how the messages we share can and will bring these desires to him if he acts. It was really good! We have another appointment with him this week! 
Sunday was also cool because we were able to meet a lot of the members of our Branch. The sisters said there was about 30 people active and our branch leader said 40ish but at church there was about 72! It was really awesome. We don't know who has come to church in the past because a lot of things got messed up for our area with the missionaries moving areas and such.
Sorry for the short email! Not a lot of time and not a lot of events that happened! 
Love you! 
Elder Bushman 

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