Monday, May 13, 2019

Year 2, Week 41: Key Indicators for Conversion

Wow! The weeks keep on passing faster and faster! It's kinda crazy :)

We had a lesson again with I. and E. They kept their commitments and read from the Book of Mormon in the assigned chapters! They are really progressing. We taught them the Doctrine of Jesus Christ and focused on the principle of Baptism and their need for it. We didn't extend a baptismal date because we also want to get their daughter involved in the lessons so they can progress as a family! We are really excited to see them progress. They weren't able to come to church yesterday but we are working with them on it. Hopefully we can find out their concern and help them come next week.

We had interviews with President Mavromatis as well this week. He is such a great guy! He talked to me about making sure we set effective and efficient goals and focus on the key indicators for conversion.

We had a lesson with a lady named P! She was a lady who used to be taught in the past and we called and set up an appointment with her. Her husband wasn't home so we brought a member of the church with us. When we walked in, she looked at the member and said, "Hermano Paredes!" we were so confused at how she knew him. He had accompanied the sisters to lots of the lessons and so he knows a lot of people they used to teach. This lesson was probably the most interesting lesson I've ever had. They are both from Guatemala and so they talked about their country for about 25 minutes. Then she had to go pick up her kids from school but because she knew the member, she just left us in her house while she left. We finally got around to trying to share part of our message but Hermano Paredes and P. got back on random topics. Needless to say, it was an interesting lesson. Lol! 

We went to a members house for lunch but she didn't have a man in the house and it was short notice to ask someone to accompany us so we asked her if she could bring a male friend so we could go. She had a guy from across the hall who she has known for years come over and we started teaching him. His name is C. and is from Nicaragua but prefers speaking English. He is fluent in Spanish but likes to read in English more. We had a good lesson with him and then member was able to share lots of experiences and blessings she has received from the Gospel. 

The sisters were also teaching a woman named E.R. We were able to visit her this week and she said that she knows the church is true. The Book of Mormon is scripture and that she wants to be baptized. She said she wants to wait a little while for baptism and we didn't push to hard to know the real reason why. We are excited for her though!

That's the week however! It's been a good one! Love you :) 

Elder Bushman 


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