The English Elders found a lady named A. and referred
her to us. We called her and she explained how she has been super
depressed. She has 5 kids but they want nothing to do with her. She can't work due to some situation and she lives by herself. Super
sad life. We went over to her house this week with a member named
Hermano Paredes. We went with the intent to teach her the Restoration
but we just talked with her about some of the things she is going
through and how the Gospel can help. Elder Skordas told a story from
conference about how if a donkey falls in a well, the owner pours in
dirt, the donkey shakes off the dirt, and slowly climbs up and out. But
if the donkey doesn't move, the dirt will bury him. She really related
with that! She said she wants to get closer to God and be like the
donkey! She called us a few days later because she had some questions
about what she was reading in the Book of Mormon. We talked with her for
a half hour on the phone and have another appointment tonight with her.
She wasn't able to come to church because she went to the Bronx to
visit her uncle, but she referred her uncle and wants missionaries to
visit him.
We also met a man named D.. He originally called in
to the mission office and asked for us to come visit. He has an aunt who
lives in Lima, Perú and she told him to reach out to missionaries. We
went over and he has so much desire to come to church and learn more.
Unfortunately, he just started working 2 jobs that require him to work
on Sundays. We taught him the Restoration and he really enjoyed it. When
we pulled out the Book of Mormon, he asked if he could see it before we
could explain anything! That was really cool. We have an appointment
with him on Wednesday that we are excited about!
We had a cool lesson with a less active family. They are
love the church a lot but aren't able to come to church because of
their work schedule. They have had kids that went on missions though. We
met with them and were able to give a report back to some of the branch
leaders who were asking about them. Hermano Lugo, is his name, is the
campaign manager for a guy who is running to be the next president of
the Dominican Republic! So when I told him that I want to visit someday,
he said he would hook me up with places to sleep and recommendations of
things to do! Haha! I feel like I have more contacts in the DR then I
do in New England!
We had an appointment with E. I. wasn't there, she
was working. E's cousin, A., was also present. A. belongs to the
Seventh Day Adventist church and had problems with us going to church on
Sundays. Elder Skordas said that when Jesus was resurrected it was on a
Sunday and so in remembrance of that, we worship on Sundays. A. said,
"what? You just don't understand the Bible." I explained how Christ
fulfilled the law of Moses which instructs the Saturday Worship and he
says, "there is no such thing as the law of Moses. It's God's law."
haha! So that was interesting. E. doesn't seem as open to us anymore.
We are a little bummed that that happened and his cousin wouldn't take a
Book of Mormon because he has his Bible. So we aren't sure if anything
will progress with them.
At the end of your mission you receive a program called
My Plan that talks all about setting goals and such for your future life
after the mission. There are 6 sections so I started the first one this
week so that if I do 1 a week, I finish the program 1 week before I go
home. The first activity you do is go through your patriarchal blessing
and write down thoughts you have, you then circle words that describe
you and underline phrases of things it tells you to do. After doing
this, I came to the realization that all the instructions fit into 3
1. Be a missionary for life.
2. Be a husband and father like my own.
3. Get an education.
So my new priorities in life will be these three things. (how do you like them apples, Paps? Not the tard plan anymore, eh?)
Well that's about the week! It's been a good one! Love you
Elder Bushman
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