Monday, July 1, 2019

Year 2, Week 48: We are Trying!

This week has been very good. We had lots going on. We started teaching a new guy named A! He is the boyfriend of a less active member named K. We are trying to help her come back to church and so her and her boyfriend can be active. The problem we are having is he is not super interested. But his girlfriend, wants him to come and be active and have God in his life. So that is what we are working towards! We set up a chapel tour to help him feel comfortable coming to church, but he decided last minute that he did not want to come. We invited them to church but he didn't want to come either.. So we are going to see if he is just not super interested or if he is just uncomfortable and when he becomes comfortable he will be more interested? Haha we don't know! But we are trying!

We had a lesson with a woman named M this week. She was being taught by the sisters until she went on vacation for a month in February to El Salvador. She wanted to be baptized but then left on her vacation. We had a lesson and taught her about the Restoration. She didn't seem to understand a whole lot. We aren't sure how much she understood from what we taught but we are excited to help her. 

We didn't have a lesson with O. and R. this week. Their son has been sick so they weren't able to come to church. 

We had a lesson with R. about the Plan of Salvation. We decided he needed to know about it before we worked on him getting work off to be able to come to church. He also really wants to go to an English class so we are working on setting that up. As we were teaching the Plan of Salvation, he realized how important obeying God's commandments is. He mentioned how he needs to more fully keep them so we are really excited to have a lesson with him.

Nobody was able to come to church this week. Elder Skordas and I gave talks. They went really well! I talked about the blessings we receive from the Gospel, the importance of sharing it with our friends and family, and some steps to doing so. Lots of members commented on it so it seemed to be good! 

That's the week! 

I love you! 

Elder Bushman 


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