Saturday, August 5, 2017

Year 1, Week 1: Because of the Lord I was Able to Understand what he was Saying

Dear Mama and Family,

Yes, my PDAYS are on Saturday. When I first arrived at the MTC I was
given an iPad that I am able to use. Because of this, I am allowed to
email at anytime today. So please, tell everyone to write.

Let's see.... there is so much to tell. The food here is terrible:(
every single item is deep fried. I went to the MTC dietician with my
companion, Elder Gibby, and talked to her about my needs. She said
that lunch would be hard to substitute things in, but they could meet
my needs for dinner. So ever since arriving at the MTC I have been
skipping breakfast and lunch and only eating dinner which I will
continue to do.  So yesterday I ate some Steak Strips, keto bar, and
dinner which was a pork chop and steamed broccoli.

At first the MTC seemed great. I was really excited to get moving, but
the first two days seemed to really drag on. When a lot of our time
was taken up by a tour of the MTC or first meeting our zone leaders
the days passed like weeks. Here at the MTC they have a saying, The
Days seem like weeks and the weeks seem like days. When the third day
hit and our normal routine started, the day flew by.

My companion, Elder Gibby, is great. We don't have a ton in common but
that's fine. He is 6'6, loves disc golf, has taken five years of
Spanish, and is going to Houston Texas on his mission. Elder Gibby is
from Brigham City. My other roommates are Elder Byington and Elder
Broschart (Bro-Shart). I thought Liv and Zak would get a kick outta
that. Everyone in my room is going to Houston Texas. I haven't met one
guy who is going to Boston.

Do I need anything? Mostly those items I forgot. I'm not sure what
they are, except for the bag of collar pieces. Because I'm not eating
lunch or dinner, I would love some keto bars. Other than that, I think
I'm good! Yes, the curve cologne is mine.

My district is great! It consists of 8 Elders and 4 Sisters. The other
four elders are Elder Bird (Colorado), Elder Collins (California),
Elder Painter (New York), and Elder Bybee (Arizona). Elder Bird is our
district leader. The Sisters are Hermana Powell, Hermana Anderson,
Hermana Welch, and Hermana Anderson.

Spanish. The first two days I didn't understand ANYTHING. On Friday,
we taught a lesson in Spanish to an investigator named Pedro. We
talked to him about Heavenly Fathers love for us and how the gospel
blesses families. Because my comp. is super good at Spanish, he taught
most of the lesson. While they were talking I caught a few words of
Spanish but not much. When Brother Truman (our Spanish instructor)
started teaching us later that day, I understood so many words that
there was hardly a sentence that I didn't get what he was saying. I
know that because of the Lord I was able to understand what he was

Yes, while checking in I saw Sister Beifuss. I remember her from the
time we saw her in California. Her daughter, Isobel was also in my
fourth grade class at AHS.

I hope Spencer, Thomas and Michael had a good time at EFY. Swimming
sounds fun as well as the parade at Livs.

Yes mom, I did get the letter. I really appreciate your kind words. It
was pretty tough at first but seems to be getting easier. Thanks once

Yo sé que Jesucristo es El Salvador. Yo testifico que El Evangelio es
restaurado en la mundo. Yo sè que El Libro De Mormón es una bendición
para mí. Yo testifico que José Smith es un profeta  de Dios. A causa
del arrepentimiento, yo puedo superar el pacado. En el nombre de
Jesucristo, Amen.

Love you all,

Elder Bushman

NOTE from Mom: We have called the MTC and arranged for some food items that will help him stick with his diet. We'll be delivering those things today so hopefully the eating thing will get easier. We're so proud of him for being so diligent amongst a carb-haven.  

"God’s miracles are not happening just in Haiti, Thailand, or the Ivory Coast. Look around you. 'God is mindful of every people … ; yea, he numbereth his people, and his … mercy [is] over all the earth.'"
—Neil L. Andersen, "Thy Kingdom Come"

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