Saturday, August 12, 2017

Year 1, Week 2: I am Sick so I can Grow

This week has been hard here at the MTC. I have been sick with a cough, cold, runny nose, and sore throat. I took the OnGuard Pills right when I started feeling sick and it seemed to work for a while, but despite every thing I tried, I still ended up getting sick. It may have been a lot worse without those Doterra capsules. My testimony has really been attacked by Satan while being here. Why would God let me get sick while I'm trying to do His work? This question has popped into my head on multiple occasions but I know the answer. I am sick so I can grow. It may not make a lot of sense, but in my hardest time, if I am able to rely on the Lord, my testimony of Him will grow and get stronger. 

On Sunday of last week, my companion and I were in meetings from 8:30 in the morning until 10:10 at night with about 1 hour of breaks, including dinner, to space all of that out. Because the first Sunday here and it was Fast Sunday, we had extra meetings and things to go to. For our Sunday night Devotional we had the chance to hear the story of Jenny Oaks Baker and her family miracles and blessings. She told a story of how her mother passed away, but was able to be comforted in her greatest time of need. I know with the help of the Lord, I can also be comforted in my greatest time of need. After she spoke, she played numerous songs on her Violin with each of her children playing the guitar, cello, piano, or violin. It was a pretty awesome devotional and I learned a lot. After she ended, we were blessed with the chance to watch Characters of Christ by David A. Bednar, a Devotional he gave years ago to the MTC on Christmas morning. One of my favorite parts of that was his explanation on how to be a successful missionary. He says, "to be a successful missionary we cannot turn in to ourselves and become self absorbed. When we do this, we turn inwards and only look at us. When we repent we 're-turn' outwards and turn to the Lord. We must have charity and the pure love of Christ for our investigators to be successful." It's hard to love someone with a Christ like love when you only know them for a short time, especially when the investigator isn't keeping commitments or progressing. After David A. Bednar's talk ended, we were all surprised by him and his wife showing up and answering questions. I really love Elder Bednar and his Christ like love for everyone. 

Monday wasn't bad. We served in the morning and continued with normal classes. 

Tuesday night was another devotional. Elder Sitati of the Quorum of the Seventy came and spoke with his wife. He said a missionary's job is two things. 1. to invite. and 2. to help. In the purpose of a missionary it states: Invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. All a missionary has to do is Invite and Help. The Spirit of the Lord does everything else. Elder Sitati then goes on to state how its not as easy as it sounds. We have to live in accordance to His plan and keep his commandments to have the Spirit with us. It was a great experience. 

Wednesday and Thursday was nothing exciting or special other than receiving packages from Aunt Kath and Mrs. Updike.I really appreciate the kindness and love shown to me.

Friday was great. Me and my companion helped with the tours in the morning. I saw, the Gaines Family, The Hilton Family, and Mrs. Wade. I worked the morning shift from 8:30-12:30. It's incredible how fast the time goes by. 

I am grateful for the package you sent me last week mom. The KETO food has been great and I feel Awesome! I appreciate all the letters in the package as well. Once again, love you all and can't wait to get to the field.


Elder Bushman
Elder Bushman's District (in part)

Elder Bushman with his companion, Elder Gibby

Elder Bushman's district (in full)

View of the new part of the MTC

Elder Byington and Elder Broschart

"The gospel teaches us to be happy, to have faith rather than fear, to find hope and overcome despair, to leave darkness and turn toward the light of the everlasting gospel."
—Boyd K. Packer, "The Key to Spiritual Protection"

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