Saturday, August 26, 2017

Year 1, Week 4: The Prophets in the Book of Mormon are AWESOME

Dear Family,
First, shout out to MaKayla. Happy Birthday in 4 days!! Love ya:) 

Today is PDAY!! The Elders in our district woke up at 4:15 to bust out some laundry and get it out of the way for naps later in the day. I actually really enjoy waking up so early. Its ridiculous how much time is in a day when you wake up at 6:30 every day. I didn't believe good ol' paps, but, its easy to wake up at 6:30. Just get up:) Haha, love you all.

This week has been great. The time is starting to really run together and I'm not exactly sure what has happened. Let's start with Sunday.

Sunday was good. It's been hard to stay awake during sacrament meeting. During the Sacrament, I really try to focus on what the Savior has done for me, sometimes though, I fall asleep by accident. So, Branch President Rogers called me out for sleeping and told me I need to stay awake. President Rogers is one of the best men I have ever met in my life. He is Bold, but not overbearing. He will call you out if you aren't obeying rules, but then will tell you of his love for you. He is a great man and I look up to him greatly. During the Sunday night devotional, Kenneth Cope came and performed a musical fireside. It was fantastic. He is a little awkward though:) One of the things he said is very true, but a little weird. He says, "We are children of God. We have the same Papa. I believe God is very affectionate and loves to kiss. You are His boys. You are His girls." Once again, very true, but a little awkward wording... Anyway, we have been joking about that recently. 

Monday was good. We got some service done, exercise is great, and then back to class. I have really started to like the MTC but I am ready to get out into the field. 

Tuesday was great. Same stuff, class, lunch, exercise, but then Devotional. Weatherford T. Clayton and his wife came and spoke. He taught that We, as the Lord's missionaries, partner with the Father and the Son in bringing to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. I really have thought of this deeply. We are not assisting the Father and the Son. We are PARTNERING with the Father and the Son. Its a deeper meaning than assist. He also taught that repentance is glorious. So many times in life, we get caught up with the feelings of repentance is hard and painful, which it can be. But, It is glorious. If our investigators can understand this, they will be changed forever. After the Devotional on Tuesday, we meet with our district and a member of the branch presidency to discuss it. One Elder brought up a quote he saw before the mission. "When we are drowning Spiritually, Physically, Mentally, or Emotionally, Remember, our LifeGuard walks on Water."

Wednesday was great. Meeting new missionaries is always fun and great! Nothing else has really happened. Just working on getting deeper into the righteous routines that Zak wisely suggested. 

Thursday was a pretty good day. On Thursdays, we have class from 8:30-11:30, then from 1:30-4:30. Its kinda intense but then, we have the rest of the night to exercise and study and hang out. 

Fridays are kinda the same. Nothing really happened.

I have really grown to love study the scriptures. I never was into it very much, but the prophets in the Book of Mormon are AWESOME! When I got to the MTC, I started the Book of Mormon over again just like the family. Right now, I am in 2nd Nephi 3. One of the things I really have studied is when Nephi is tied to the mast of the ship. 1st Nephi 18:16 say, "Nevertheless, I did look unto my God, and I did praise him all the day long; and I did not murmur against the Lord because of mine afflictions." 

When Nephi was in one of his lowest points he says, " I did not murmur and I did praise him all the day long." Wow, what a Man...

Anyway, sorry for the shorter letter. I'll send pics later. Love ya.

Elder Bushman
Extra Nuggets:
Spanish, I am learning a lot of Spanish but it is hard. There are 12 different tenses in the spanish language and crazy ways of conjugating them. But Ill get it.
Haha!! Spencer and his Heartland. Funny STORY READY!? Its Sunday night DEVOTIONAL TIME, and I'm chillin with my comp. and Elder Broschart and his Comp. Elder Broschart looks at me and says, "Hey Elder Bushman, have you ever heard of HEARTLAND?" I respond, "HECK YEAH!!" Elder Broschart says, "Holy cow, Heartland is the only TV show I've ever watched all the way through. I even got my mom to watch it!!" HAHA, Elder Broschart and I are so similar its so funny.

Grandpas letters are awesome!!! Thank you for those:)


"To know Heavenly Father and to understand our relationship to Him as our Father and our God is to find meaning in this life and hope in the life to come."
—M. Russell Ballard, "Like a Flame Unquenchable"

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