Monday, January 29, 2018

Year 1, Week 26: We Talked a lot on Prayer

Hey Mom,
Not too much has happened this week, but it was good. I got a call from the AP's on Monday night, asking me to do a musical number at Zone Conference on Wednesday. I basically had Tuesday to prepare. I will send the recording I took in another email. Zone Conference was super good. We talked a lot on prayer and how we should make our prayers a lot more meaningful. We went through some talks and PMG on how to also gain more spiritual power. Our mission has a goal to read PMG in a transfer and mark all the principles and promises given. It's not hard but if you get behind it takes a while to catch back up. I bought some fine point sharpies today so the ink won't smear anymore!
Tania is doing well. We had a member go to her house with his wife and start teaching the New Convert lessons. Now they are super good friends. We went over to their house for lunch. I ate salad and meat;)

Other than that, nothing really happened. Sorry this is so short! Hopefully the recording makes up for some of the lameness of this letter.
Elder Bushman

Monday, January 22, 2018

Year 1, Week 25: We had 39 People!

Not much happened this week. The only SUPER exciting thing was Tania getting baptized! That was so awesome!
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday was full of preparing for her baptism. We got to the Chapel at 3:30 to start filling the font for the baptism at 7. We starting filling it and had the other Elders watch it while we went to Chesire, a 20 minute drive from our chapel to pick up the programs that a member printed for us. We got them, drove back, and checked on the font. It was almost done! 6/7 of the way, but the water was super hot! We decided to turn the cold water on for the last little bit to cool it down for the baptism. We turned the cold water on, then left for about 5 minutes to prep some of the other things. When we came back down, all the water was brown. We immediately shut the water off, started draining, and turned the water back on to hopefully add some clean water to lessen the disgusting brown color. We realized that the water coming out of the faucet was also brown so we immediately plugged the font and started making calls. Tania showed up and we showed her the font and apologized. We said that she could either get baptized next week, or get baptized in the gross water. She was like, "I'm down. I'll get baptized in the gross water!" The rest of the evening went well. Nice talks and testimonies, etc.. When she got baptized, by her husband who was ordained to the office of Priest 2 weeks ago, she was crying and just hugged her husband for like 20 seconds. So.. It was a good experience. I have been super tired this week because of all the planning and such. I definitely am not good at planning so even attempting to plan is exhausting.
Yesterday at church was one of the best experiences I've ever had! One, Tania received the gift of the Holy Ghost and  Elder Tirado and I stood in the circle. When we all said amen she was again crying! It was a great experience. Also, usually at church there is like 10 people. This week we had 39 people at church! If this happens for a multiple weeks and shows growth, we could become a branch pretty soon!
Ashley was at church this week. We haven't seen her in 2 weeks and haven't given her a lesson in 2 1/2. She has tons of member support though so we aren't worried. Also at church, a random guy pulled up in a Ford F350, Super Duty, with two HUGE Smoke stacks coming out the back! Like, biggest truck I have ever seen in my life other than Semi's. The guy gets out, jeans, cowboy boots, and a foot long beard!! When I talked to him he said that he promised his grandma he would attend church before she died. He had never been to church in his life and had no idea where to go. He asked his cousin, who is a Mormon, and he referred him to us. We talked with him, got him in priesthood meetings etc. Basically, this guy lives in CT but loves Country Music! His favorite is Hank Williams Jr. Anyway, the reason I share this is because I haven't been able to talk country music with someone who ACTUALLY appreciates it in like 4 months!
Other than that, not much else happened. Spanish is going well. Working hard.
Love you all,
Elder Bushman

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Year 1, Week 24: My All Time Goal For Life

So this week has been very very interesting. Not really even sure what happened but...
So Tania did not get baptized. President Miller was contacted and came to interview her himself to skip over all the young missionaries interviewing her. He met with her, talked, and came to the conclusion that she was set for baptism. Basically, Tania will be getting baptized this Thursday! We have been planning her baptism for the last couple days now. I will make sure to get pictures and everything for you mom! We are super excited that she is finally getting baptized though:)
We aren't really sure about Ashley either. We want to go over this week and check up and figure everything out.
Other than that. Nothing SUPER awesome happened other than President Nelson becoming the Prophet. We were able to watch the broadcast at a members house which was fun.
Transfer news, I am staying in Waterbury another transfer with Elder Tirado. Elder Goodman is getting transferred to North Brookfield, MA. An Elder named Elder Smith will be replacing him so I will let you know how he is.
I have been really really studying Spanish this week. I read 20 minutes of Spanish out load, study, write, and memorize conjugations, and then go through flash cards to learn and study vocab. I will be studying grammar once I enlarge my vocab enough.
During my Personal study I have been blazing through the Book of Alma. Definitely the best book in the Book of Mormon. Reading about Lehi, Moroni, Teancum, Helaman, Alma, and Amulek really make me want to stand with them so when Satan looks at me, the very Jaws of hell quake!
That is now my all time goal for life!
Elder Tirado attempted the 'Blazin' challenge but only ate 6 wings before he threw up into the rest of the wings! I will send photos.

MLK Day...We didn't do anything special for it. We did go over to the Second Counselor in the Bishopric for games and such. Nope, I have not explored Waterbury, like flurry. That is how I pronounce it. It really depends on the person if it is berry vs burry (like furry). 

Elder Tirado has been here in Waterbury for his whole mission. At the end of this transfer will mark 6 months in Waterbury for him. Which most likely means I will be getting a new companion at the end of this transfer.
Love y'all. As Mr. Haymond says, "Remember who you aren't!"
Elder Bushman

Monday, January 8, 2018

Year 1, Week 23: Red Dotted

Hiya Fam!

Well... I am alive! Temperatures hit in the -10 F over the last couple of days. On those days we were told to stay inside unless we had a set appointment that we could drive to the meeting. On Wednesday night we started exchanges. I went to the Waterbury English apartment with Elder Goodman. I got to their apartment at 8 that night so we pretty much just got ready for bed, wrote in our journals, and went to bed. When we woke up the next morning, Thursday, it was snowing and we were Red Dotted, which means we could not drive cars. Their apartment is in a location where most of the investigators or people who we would contact are on the opposite side of Waterbury so we literally spent ALL of Thursday inside. We called investigators, set up appointments, planned, studied, cooked, cleaned, shoveled, etc. It was a painfully long day of feeling completely lazy even though we were doing productive things most of the day. When the Red Dot continued I realized that I would have to spend a second night at the English apartment with no clean socks, garments, shirts, or pajamas. I had used my pajamas, T-shirt and Basketball shorts, to exercise in because I thought I would be back at my apartment that night. We made the most of the day and went to bed. Friday morning we weren't Dotted so we could drive and exchange. So basically, the exchange was fully inside doing random things to try and be productive.

We met with Tania on Thursday and went over the baptismal interview questions. She passed but still needs to be interviewed by our District Leader. That is happening tomorrow, Tuesday. On Sunday, Yesterday, Tania's husband Alberto was interviewed and ordained to the office of a Priest. He will now be baptizing his wife this Thursday!! We are excited for her! We are also hoping that Emmy, Tania's daughter, will want to get baptized after seeing her mom get baptized.
Waddy was supposed to get baptized on Saturday but we haven't been able to teach him since Dec. 13th.

Transfer texts are this Friday! I cannot believe this transfer is already almost over. I feel like I just got to Waterbury and met Elder Tirado, not 5 weeks into the transfer. I am expecting to stay in Waterbury. Elder Tirado says he can see himself staying or he thinks he could leave as well. Doesn't really know! I don't really care what happens. I don't really want to leave the 'Bury though!

Funny story though! On exchanges Elder Goodman and I get a call from Elder Davis and Elder Tirado. When we answered, Elder Davis was dying laughing and was trying to tell a story which we could not understand. Elder Tirado LOVES sleeping in Proselyting clothes. I don't really know why, but he does. Anyway, when Elder Tirado and Davis were doing exercise that morning, Elder Tirado tore about an 8 inch rip down his pants!! It was a hilarious story... Anyway!

Our investigator who is most progressing is named Ashley. On Tuesday night we taught her the Plan of Salvation in the Vogel's home! She has had tons of member support and people giving rides and helping her get to church. On Sunday she came to church again and said she is going to invite her mom. We went to her house with Miguel Castro and taught the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We will probably have one more lesson re-going over the Gospel of Jesus Christ before we start on the commandments. We are super excited to see where this goes!

Anyway... Not much else happened this week! The reason it took me so long to get on to email today is because we went to Buffalo Wild WINGS!!!!!! BDUBS!!!


Love you all,

Elder Bushman


Thursday, January 4, 2018

Severe Weather - MBM Update

This is just a quick note to let you know all the missionaries in the Massachusetts Boston Mission are well. We are having some severe weather this week and have asked the missionaries to stay indoors today and tomorrow. We will check on each one several times today and tomorrow. We love each missionary and are grateful for your wonderful support.

We are sending this note to 200 families. Please do not reply unless you have a concern. Thank you

President and Sister Miller

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Year 1, Week 22: That's a First!

Hey Mom!!
This week has been awesome!! We started the week with a Book of Mormon challenge that our zone was doing. Our zone goal was to place 293 Books of Mormon in a week. Our district goal, which consists of 6 missionaries, was 127. We were a little under half of the entire ZONE goal!! The week started slow because of Christmas, emailing and laundry on Tuesday, weekly planning on Thursday. On Friday night, our district was at 49/127. We had 2 days to place about 78 Books of Mormon. Elder Tirado and I went to work and put out 46 Books in those 2 days. We placed 66 in the week. With the help of the Lord, we met our district goal, 129/127 and our Zone goal of 299/293. That was an amazing experience in and of itself.
On Wednesday we decided to stop by an old media referral. He wasn't home so we decided to knock doors around his house. We went to one house, climbed the stairs and knocked the 3rd floor. A girl opened the door, holding a PS4 remote. I was like, "Hey, we are missionaries from our church, we are in the area sharing a message of Jesus Christ." She kinda looked at me and was like, "I'm not interested." Usually I say, "Alright, well can I just leave you with a Book?" But this time, I some how said, "Is anyone else in the house interested?" She asked and this girl replied that she was!!! She invited us in and said we could teach her anything. We taught the Restoration and it was probably the best Restoration we have ever taught together. She asked questions like, "How come people say that baptism is all it takes to be saved?", "What is the atonement?" and "I was already baptized, why do I have a need to be baptized again?" We started explaining that there needs to be proper authority and how infant baptism is against what we believe and what God has set forth for us. She said that she agrees and was saying how her baptism must not have been ok. When we invited her to be baptized she said, "wait, so I can do that over again?" She said yes and she agreed to be baptized. We asked her when she would be available to be taught again and she said, "How about Friday?" We agreed and left her with the commitment to read 3 Nephi 11 and left.

On Friday we went back and she had ACTUALLY READ??!!! No way, that's a first!! She explained that she didn't understand a lot of the words and things and asked us to explain them. We explained and at the end invited her to be baptized on Feb. 24. The reason her date is so far is (she has some issues to resolve). We left her the Plan of Salvation pamphlet and she said she would read it before our next meeting. She agreed to come to church and said she wanted to take a tour of the building if she could.

On Sunday, she was ACTUALLY at Church???!! No way, that's a first!! We showed her the building and baptismal font and then she attended all 3 hours. During Gospel principles she made friends with several of the young women and then she went with the same young women to young womens. We asked if she liked church and if she would want to come back. She said Yes!!! No way, that's a first!!!

Monday, yesterday, we found out that she had gone with some of the YSA to the church for a game day!! She is also coming to a member dinner with us tonight where we are teaching the Plan of Salvation! I also just realized that Plan of Salvation, shortened, is POS!;)

So far, our other investigators are still progressing. Tania still should be getting baptized on Jan. 11th! She has accepted everything so now it's really just the interview and if she has any other concerns.

New years Eve was spent with the Waterbury English Elders! We did the normal PDAY stuff but then we also played, NO TRUMP and Monopoly Deal! No Trump was full of TONS of laughs:) great game!!

This week we also had interviews with President Miller. Some people were in interviews for like 25 minutes. I went in for interviews and this is kinda how it went...

President Miller: "Elder Bushman, can you pray?
Bushman: *prayed*
PM: "Do you have warm clothes for the winter?
B: "Yes"
PM: "Do you have any questions for me?"
B: "No"
PM: "Awesome! Can I end with a prayer?"

I guess this either means my President Hates me or that he isn't worried about me!!

Anyway, not much else happened this week!! LOVE YOU ALL

Elder Bushman