Monday, January 29, 2018

Year 1, Week 26: We Talked a lot on Prayer

Hey Mom,
Not too much has happened this week, but it was good. I got a call from the AP's on Monday night, asking me to do a musical number at Zone Conference on Wednesday. I basically had Tuesday to prepare. I will send the recording I took in another email. Zone Conference was super good. We talked a lot on prayer and how we should make our prayers a lot more meaningful. We went through some talks and PMG on how to also gain more spiritual power. Our mission has a goal to read PMG in a transfer and mark all the principles and promises given. It's not hard but if you get behind it takes a while to catch back up. I bought some fine point sharpies today so the ink won't smear anymore!
Tania is doing well. We had a member go to her house with his wife and start teaching the New Convert lessons. Now they are super good friends. We went over to their house for lunch. I ate salad and meat;)

Other than that, nothing really happened. Sorry this is so short! Hopefully the recording makes up for some of the lameness of this letter.
Elder Bushman

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