Monday, January 8, 2018

Year 1, Week 23: Red Dotted

Hiya Fam!

Well... I am alive! Temperatures hit in the -10 F over the last couple of days. On those days we were told to stay inside unless we had a set appointment that we could drive to the meeting. On Wednesday night we started exchanges. I went to the Waterbury English apartment with Elder Goodman. I got to their apartment at 8 that night so we pretty much just got ready for bed, wrote in our journals, and went to bed. When we woke up the next morning, Thursday, it was snowing and we were Red Dotted, which means we could not drive cars. Their apartment is in a location where most of the investigators or people who we would contact are on the opposite side of Waterbury so we literally spent ALL of Thursday inside. We called investigators, set up appointments, planned, studied, cooked, cleaned, shoveled, etc. It was a painfully long day of feeling completely lazy even though we were doing productive things most of the day. When the Red Dot continued I realized that I would have to spend a second night at the English apartment with no clean socks, garments, shirts, or pajamas. I had used my pajamas, T-shirt and Basketball shorts, to exercise in because I thought I would be back at my apartment that night. We made the most of the day and went to bed. Friday morning we weren't Dotted so we could drive and exchange. So basically, the exchange was fully inside doing random things to try and be productive.

We met with Tania on Thursday and went over the baptismal interview questions. She passed but still needs to be interviewed by our District Leader. That is happening tomorrow, Tuesday. On Sunday, Yesterday, Tania's husband Alberto was interviewed and ordained to the office of a Priest. He will now be baptizing his wife this Thursday!! We are excited for her! We are also hoping that Emmy, Tania's daughter, will want to get baptized after seeing her mom get baptized.
Waddy was supposed to get baptized on Saturday but we haven't been able to teach him since Dec. 13th.

Transfer texts are this Friday! I cannot believe this transfer is already almost over. I feel like I just got to Waterbury and met Elder Tirado, not 5 weeks into the transfer. I am expecting to stay in Waterbury. Elder Tirado says he can see himself staying or he thinks he could leave as well. Doesn't really know! I don't really care what happens. I don't really want to leave the 'Bury though!

Funny story though! On exchanges Elder Goodman and I get a call from Elder Davis and Elder Tirado. When we answered, Elder Davis was dying laughing and was trying to tell a story which we could not understand. Elder Tirado LOVES sleeping in Proselyting clothes. I don't really know why, but he does. Anyway, when Elder Tirado and Davis were doing exercise that morning, Elder Tirado tore about an 8 inch rip down his pants!! It was a hilarious story... Anyway!

Our investigator who is most progressing is named Ashley. On Tuesday night we taught her the Plan of Salvation in the Vogel's home! She has had tons of member support and people giving rides and helping her get to church. On Sunday she came to church again and said she is going to invite her mom. We went to her house with Miguel Castro and taught the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We will probably have one more lesson re-going over the Gospel of Jesus Christ before we start on the commandments. We are super excited to see where this goes!

Anyway... Not much else happened this week! The reason it took me so long to get on to email today is because we went to Buffalo Wild WINGS!!!!!! BDUBS!!!


Love you all,

Elder Bushman


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