Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Year 1, Week 24: My All Time Goal For Life

So this week has been very very interesting. Not really even sure what happened but...
So Tania did not get baptized. President Miller was contacted and came to interview her himself to skip over all the young missionaries interviewing her. He met with her, talked, and came to the conclusion that she was set for baptism. Basically, Tania will be getting baptized this Thursday! We have been planning her baptism for the last couple days now. I will make sure to get pictures and everything for you mom! We are super excited that she is finally getting baptized though:)
We aren't really sure about Ashley either. We want to go over this week and check up and figure everything out.
Other than that. Nothing SUPER awesome happened other than President Nelson becoming the Prophet. We were able to watch the broadcast at a members house which was fun.
Transfer news, I am staying in Waterbury another transfer with Elder Tirado. Elder Goodman is getting transferred to North Brookfield, MA. An Elder named Elder Smith will be replacing him so I will let you know how he is.
I have been really really studying Spanish this week. I read 20 minutes of Spanish out load, study, write, and memorize conjugations, and then go through flash cards to learn and study vocab. I will be studying grammar once I enlarge my vocab enough.
During my Personal study I have been blazing through the Book of Alma. Definitely the best book in the Book of Mormon. Reading about Lehi, Moroni, Teancum, Helaman, Alma, and Amulek really make me want to stand with them so when Satan looks at me, the very Jaws of hell quake!
That is now my all time goal for life!
Elder Tirado attempted the 'Blazin' challenge but only ate 6 wings before he threw up into the rest of the wings! I will send photos.

MLK Day...We didn't do anything special for it. We did go over to the Second Counselor in the Bishopric for games and such. Nope, I have not explored Waterbury, like flurry. That is how I pronounce it. It really depends on the person if it is berry vs burry (like furry). 

Elder Tirado has been here in Waterbury for his whole mission. At the end of this transfer will mark 6 months in Waterbury for him. Which most likely means I will be getting a new companion at the end of this transfer.
Love y'all. As Mr. Haymond says, "Remember who you aren't!"
Elder Bushman

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