Monday, March 12, 2018

Year 1, Week 32: 2 People Came!

This week has been great! We have spent a lot of time working with less actives and trying to find people who are ready to hear the gospel. O and M went ghost this whole last week and when we finally talked to them again she said, "I am too busy, I'm catholic, and I do not want to change. Please do not come back. Door slam." It was kind of sad. We were bummed on how they totally accepted the message and then didn't actually care. This is the first actual person who dropped us. We get rejected all the time just knocking doors but this is the first time I've been rejected after picking someone up as a New Investigator. The other people we picked up last week haven't made any progress. We are still trying to set up return appointments with the people we have already met.
This week, we planned in a full day of lessons with people and other meetings and appointments. Except, nobody was there. So we literally just started visiting less actives. We went over to one family and talked to them for about 40 minutes. We talked to them about why they weren't coming and how we wanted to help them get to the temple. We committed all of them to come to church. Their son has a girlfriend who is also a LA.
We went over to her house to visit and he was with her. We talked to them for a while and figured out that they want to get married in the temple. We quickly explained that for them to get hitched in the temple, they will need to attend church. They both said they were going to come. While at her house, her uncle, who moved from the DR 6 months ago was there. He is a member with a current temple recommend just had "No way" to get to church. As of right now, we now have a total of 7 LA who have committed to come to church.
We then went to go knock on a street. While walking, we saw a man and went to go talk with him. We started the whole missionary thing, “Hey, we are missionaries from our church, and…” He cut us off and said, “Yeah, I know… I’m a member. I moved here from the Hartford ward about a year ago.” We kept talking and I found out that he knows a bunch of the members from the Spanish Branch. We committed him to come to church and said we would get him a ride.
We kept going throughout the day meeting various people who weren’t very interested in the gospel. When I realized we were on another street with a less active. We stopped by their house for the like 14th time in the space of 2 weeks. They did the same routine. Come to the door, yell through the door, “Who is it?” We reply, “The missionaries.” No one ever opens the door again. This time we just said who we were looking for instead of saying who we were. The guy, L., who we were looking for opened the door and we started talking with him. Just then, his mom, who is also a member, pulled up and let us come into their house. We started talking about the Temple and how they can be together for forever. They showed us how they randomly found a card in a book of the Salt Lake Temple and how they said they wanted to go. We committed their whole family, of 6, to come to church. We now have invited and committed 14 people to attend church. Another one of her sons is going into the army. He asked this question, “Will I go to Hell if I kill people while I am in the army.” We pointed him to Moroni in the Book of Alma and told him that he should pray about his decision. We also said that it depends on his intentions and reasons for going to war. Another one of his questions was, “If I die while I am in the Army, will I be able to see my family again?” We told him about how they could all be sealed together in the temple and that he can and will see his family again. They were all super interested!! It was awesome.
The next day at church. Only 2 out of the 14 people came. But, 2 came!!! They ditched right out of Sacrament meeting and we haven’t been able to get in contact with them since then, but they still came.
Later after church, we went with Jay Halterman, the Priest 1st Assistant, and Brother Taylor, a guy who served his mission in Guatemala and is in the Young men group, to all those LA houses and invited them to a youth retreat. Basically, mini ward youth conference. All of them said they would come so we are hoping that they actually do and that they will have their interest in the gospel sparked!
We picked up 3 NI this week, but 2 of them were English speakers so we passed them off to the other Elders. The other girl is named G. She was outside when we started talking with her. We found out in a matter of minutes that she was sad because her Grandma had passed away recently. We shared part of the Plan of Salvation and both testified that she would be able to see her family again. She just started crying and it took a couple of minutes for her to gain her composure. She didn’t come to church like she had said but we are hoping to stop by soon and speak with her again.
When the storm came on Wednesday afternoon, our car wasn’t doing too hot, so we had to come in, 15 minutes after we came inside, the mission told us that the Governor of CT had asked all the citizens to stay in if they could. So we got inside around 5. We got some good things done while inside. The next day, we did some shoveling for people. We were driving past a house and saw a guy just staring at the snow he had to shovel. The big plows just plow the streets and leave the huge piles of snow in front of people’s houses. We asked him if he needed any help and he said that it would be great. Turns out he was 12 and his mom had asked him to go out. It reminded me of all the times mom and dad woke me up in the morning to go shovel, but now, I shovel like a beast;) We literally cleared this pile of snow and the whole driveway in a matter of minutes. We started talking to this 12 year old about religion and he said that his family was looking to go to a church. Good thing the Waterbury chapel is just up the street! We told him who we were and what our church believed and he told us to hang on while he told his mom to come out and talk to us. We talked with her for a couple minutes and set up a time to come back to talk with her and the rest of her family. It was awesome!! Shoveling literally brings so many cool people to talk to!
Other than that, not much is happening!! Love you all.

Elder Bushman

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