Monday, March 26, 2018

Year 1, Week 34: Jaw Drop

This week has been super good. First, update on our investigator named G. We visited her and her brothers again. 4 children over the age of 8 are listening to our message. Her parents however, are not interested. We now have written consent to teach and baptize them but we are wanting to get the parents involved so they have support at home. We taught them twice this week. We first went over the Restoration again and are working on helping them build a testimony of Jesus Christ, Joseph Smith, and the Book of a Mormon. G. and her brothers have been reading and their comprehension is amazing. We were talking about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and we were talking about the Holy Ghost. We asked if any of them knew who or what the Holy Ghost was. G's answer was, "when the guy was praying to see what his dad saw, wasn't the Holy Ghost the guy who showed him a vision?" jaw drop!! She has told us about Zoram and Laman and Lemuel. It's awesome! She has been able to tell us all about the Book of Mormon. She also was very hesitant to pray in front to of us, but we finally got her to. She texted us out of the blue and said, "thank you for you both, if it wasn't for you I never would have prayed." Just random and out of the blue. It was awesome! We committed G.s and her brothers to all be baptized on the 22nd of April. 4 dates for then. We are hoping to get her parents involved and just make it a family event:) They didn't make it to church because their parents wouldn't take them but we are working on that. They came last week and it was awesome! 

We also reactivated a less active and some of her kids. We had knocked and knocked and knocked to try and get into their house so we could talk with them but they would never let us in. Elder Neeley and I finally were able to talk with them and we had a great lesson. She texted us out of the blue a little while ago and said that she was so grateful for our persistence. It was awesome. 

We have been working with a member of the church whose records were lost so she isn't a member. We went through all the steps necessary to find her records and now we have permission from our mission president to re-baptize her. So that will be happening very soon.

We had Zone Conference this last week. It is crazy how we only have one more Zone Conference with President Miller. I will miss him a lot. I have so much respect for him because of his wisdom and gospel knowledge. He is awesome! 

That was pretty much it. Love ya!
Elder Bushman

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