Monday, March 19, 2018

Year 1, Week 33: Why are you Changing in the Bathroom?

This week has been great. We have continued our efforts in working with Less Actives and have seen more progress. 

Last week, we went to stop by the house by a less active member. He wasn't there, so we knocked the rest of the apartments near his, and we found the grandson of the less active member! The grandson gave us his grandfather's number and invited us back for a lesson on the 17th. We picked him up as an investigator and he came to church with his little brother yesterday! Also we stopped by the grandparents house and they said that they haven't gone to church in 6 years because they didn't think anybody spoke Spanish here. Needless to say, we invited them to church and they should come to church next week. Hopefully the whole family can accept the gospel now!

Also, we had a lesson with one of our investigators on Saturday that went super well. We had committed her to read and pray about the Book of Mormon after our first lesson with her last week. And not only did she read 5 chapters of Nephi and was able to actually tell us what happened, she read it with her family! She and her 2 brothers came to church yesterday and are excited to keep coming. Now our goal is to talk with the mom and dad too! While teaching the last lesson with them about the plan of salvation, the spirit was super strong so I invited them to be baptized in April, and 2 said yes! I'm so excited for them and to help them progress. They are awesome people and have already exercised so much faith.

When we were stopping by a less active, we had a dual lesson with the English elders because the family is half Hispanic half English. Before we got there the elders were waiting so they decided to street contact. They started talking to two people who spoke Spanish and were trying to give them our number right as we pulled up. We came and taught the restoration and picked both of them up as new investigators. It was super awesome. We have an appointment with them tomorrow

We got smartphones on Friday and have been setting them up all week. They are super helpful, but sometimes I wish we had the paper again. Pros and cons to both. We've enjoyed the easiness of LDS tools and the super quick texting and calling. Also, way better sound quality. 

We were knocking a house this week and the woman who answered said that she was changing in the bathroom. Elder Neeley thought she was saying she didn't want to change religions so he asked why? Why are you changing in the bathroom. She kinda just didn't reply for a couple seconds and then repeated herself. Super funny! 

We have exchanges, interviews, zone conference, this week so we are going to be super busy. Love y'all.

Elder Bushman

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