Monday, April 9, 2018

Year 1, Week 36: You've Got Yourself a Mormon

This week has been super good!

We went over to see G. and teach a lesson. When we got there her boyfriend William was over. We started asking him what he believed in. He said he was a Serbian Orthodox. We asked a few questions to understand his background and what he believed. Then, we started teaching the Restoration. As we taught he kept having his mind blown. We told him about our welfare program and his response was classic! "well... That's better than the catholics." as we continued to tell him about our church he kept responding with, "well.. That's way better than the Catholics!" when we told him that we love people who are gay, but do not condone what they do, again. "well that's better than the Catholics." haha! It was awesome. By the end our our lesson I said, "well W. ... You've been pretty impressed with our church." he said, "oh yeah! Your church is very impressive." I said, "that's because it's not our church. It's Jesus Christ's church, and the reason it is so awesome and has no flaws is because it is directed by Christ himself." W. looked at us, hugs me and Elder Neeley and says, "CONGRATS, you've got yourself a Mormon." haha! He literally just converted right in front of us. For true conversion he needs to pray about it and read the Book of Mormon, but it was just so funny! Because of W. "being a Mormon now" G. will go to the English ward with him so we are passing her and her siblings over to the English Elders. 

E. came to church again and we taught him the Restoration. He is such a good investigator. He does what we ask and he never breaks his promises. If he promises to do something, he actually will! It's awesome! He asks the greatest questions! One of his questions was, what is God's name? Anyway, he just has awesome questions! 

A couple weeks ago we met a random member of the church who moved from Hartford. He knows a bunch of the families that I know! Anyway, we went over to his house and had an hour and a half long conversation about the church and his life. He committed to coming to church and to come to the Spanish branch! 

We had exchanges this week. I was in the English area with Elder Davis. Exchanges are really fun because you get to learn tons of stuff from other missionaries! We had some pretty cool experiences happen. Because of Facebook we were able to see that a LA members mother passed away. We were able to go over and talk with her. It was super cool! 
Transfer News: Elder Neeley is gone to Lawrence. I'm staying in Waterbury. A Elder named Elder Porritt (from Alaska) is coming to Waterbury. He has been out a transfer longer than I have. I'm DL. 

That's about it! Love you all

Elder Bushman


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