Monday, April 16, 2018

Year 1, Week 37: I Just Go to My Nerd Side

So the first week with my new companion was great!! He is different than Elder Neeley, but we still get along great. Elder Neeley loved talking sports, music, etc. So that was a lot of my conversations with him. My new companion loves Magic, Star Wars, StarCraft, Magic, Magic, Raquetball, Snowboarding, Poker,etc. I just go to my nerd side and we have tons to talk about! I actually am pretty nerdy so it works out great! We get lots done. Also, I took my Brown Shoes into a shoe repair shop and it'll cost 15 dollars to fix!!! Elder Porritt is from Alaska. His family moves pretty frequently so they are now in Kansas which is cool! He spent most of his life in Alaska so that's where he says he is from. 

DL isn't much responsibility. It definitely is more but isn't hard. I plan exchanges, conduct and plan District Meetings, do weekly call in and get their numbers. Nothing too fancy or hard. There isn't really anything different about my schedule or service. So, it's all good. Nothing too hard. It's fun though. I feel like I contribute more to the growth of other missionaries. Except all the missionaries but one is "older" in mission age than me. 

District Leader is pretty easy so I didn't really need "training" but I do think Elder David taught me a lot. More in just how to teach better, be more obedient, etc. 

We went over to Hermana Peraltas house, who is my recent convert. Her daughter was there and referred her friend to us and her friend actually asked us to come over. She is also the cousin of a less active which basically means she is going to be super solid. 

I try to serve my companions a lot. Elder Porritt's last companion never talked/played Magic with him so I am playing with him. One, I think it's fun, but two, he is super excited to teach someone so I guess that's how I served. 

Most people on the streets/neighborhoods just don't want to talk. Some are super friendly, some are hostile. Most are right in between. However, I probably know 20 people's name who I see randomly on the street frequently. I knew more in Hartford because we walked. 

Most people here in Waterbury work in a factory, restaurant, or warehouse. 

Yes we log miles. We can drive up to 1250 miles a month. Including trips to Boston, etc 

Yes, I still drive all the time. Elder Porritt doesn't like driving. Yes, he stands and backs me:) 

Hope that answers all your questions!
Love you,
Elder Bushman

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