Sunday, April 1, 2018

Year 1, Week 35: Minister Like a Baller

Hello Family, 

First, this week has been crazy! Tons of stuff happening!

Tuesday was pretty uneventful. We did however have a super cool lesson with a woman. We met her knocking doors and she speaks English which is also disappointing but it was awesome. She basically told us that she was already saved and had Jesus and she didn't need any more Jesus in her life. We started asking her what she believed and asked her to share her church's beliefs so we could understand what she actually took as truth. She reads the Bible a lot and is interested in the Church now because we talked all about how our church's belief was similar but we had the correct authority. If somebody came to me and told me that the Church of Jesus Christ didn't have the proper authority and that their church did, I would die laughing! That would be so funny! But, when we yell this to people, it's super interesting how easily they accept that as truth. They say, "oh, wow... That makes sense." There is the difference between a true testimony and a fake one.

Tuesday night I decided to skip dinner just because I wasn't hungry. 

On Wednesday we had return and report in Boston. We got permission to drive up with the Southbury Sisters so that was interesting. We talked a lot about the challenges that new missionaries may have. Elder Neeley and I haven't had any problems so it was interesting to hear all the other things people say. We had lunch, but I still wasn't really hungry so I skipped lunch there. We went to the temple and did an Endowment session. Everytime I do an Endowment session my level of understanding and knowledge go up. The drive back from Boston was uneventful. I didn't eat dinner that night either so I completed a 48 hour water fast on Thursday Morning. 

We are still actively teaching G and A. We met with her on Thursday and Saturday and she watched ALL 4 sessions of General Conference. She even told us her thoughts about it. It was awesome! And, she is only 16. Isn't that crazy? 

After the first session of conference on Sunday, we had a lesson with a guy named E. We taught the Plan of Salvation and it was super awesome!! We talked a lot about why Resurrection is better than Reincarnation. It was awesome! We had 4 investigators who watched conference. It was great! 

Conference was FANTASTIC! I was literally blown away by it. Russell M. Nelson is a prophet! It's incredible. So many cool things happening in the Church. I committed to myself that I was going to be such a strong and active participant in Home Teaching when I returned but... Looks like I'll have to minister like a baller. It was also a super awesome experience to sustain the prophet and all the other General Authorities. I am a little bummed that Tad R. Callister isn't an Apostle.

Love you All!! 
Elder Bushman 

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