Monday, December 3, 2018

Year 2, Week 18: Thank the Members

Dear Family!

Hows everything going today! The week has been great! We had some Zone Conferences, an MLC, and an exchange this week, plus all our other work that we are trying to get done! 

It started with our exchange with Elder Lund and Elder Merrill. I was with Elder Merrill in their area. They have some super good things going on! We had a lesson with a guy they are teaching named A. He is from the Dominican Republic and speaks English and Spanish, but his kids only speak Spanish so the English Elders are teaching him. He knows that he needs to be baptized and he knows the Book of Mormon is true. His concerns however are that he doesn't want to make a commitment, especially with God, if he is only going to break it later. He understands the need to be baptized and everything, but he doesn't want to get baptized if he won't be able to go to church every week and stop drinking coffee. We had a lesson with him about faith. We shared how the difference between faith and belief is that belief is believing, but faith is letting your beliefs affect the way you live! Then we discussed how Nephi and his brothers had their plans to get the plates, but once they gave up their plans, and went with the Lord's plan, that's when it all worked out! He understood and recognizes the need to be baptized and stop delaying it but he was still hesitant. We decided that we would fast for him to develop the courage and power to overcome his concerns and be baptized like he knows he should be.

We had another appointment with a lady named A and her boyfriend S. S was baptized in Mass when he was 21 but went inactive a couple years later and never went back. He moved to Worcester and got in contact with the church because he wanted his girlfriend to learn about it. So we had a lesson with them. We talked about the Plan of Salvation and they understood it great. S doesn't remember everything super well so he wanted to know about sons of perdition and things of that nature. It was a great lesson none the less!

We had Zone Conference the next day. Elder Randall K. Bennett of the Quorum of the Seventy was there conducting whats called a mission tour. He basically comes in and looks at what has been happening the past year in the mission and what can change and improve. It was super cool. He made some awesome promises and told us that if we want to see success in our areas, then we need to thank members! He said most members don't answer missionaries calls because all they do is ask for things. Anyway, it was super super cool! 

We had Mission Leadership Council the next day with Elder Bennett and we just talked about what is holding our mission back from increasing baptisms and blessings. Our conversation ranged from Christlike attributes to setting faith filled goals to helping people come to church. Again, he made some promises that where pretty amazing. I don't have my notes with me so I can't remember them.. Lame!!

The M family's court date got moved again. It was for today but got moved to an unknown date. But, Hermana M said that she is just going to trust in the Lord and ask her ex husband for her kids on Sundays. We are praying that that goes well! We have a lesson with them tonight so we are excited for that.

O, S & R still haven't come to church. We are trying to work with them but they aren't answering their phones because they just use wifi to do all their calls and messages so we can't get in touch with them very often. It's a bummer but we are still working with them.

That's about all for the week! We started teaching some people this week which was exciting but we will see if they have a second appointment.

I love you all!!

Elder Bushman


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