Monday, December 10, 2018

Year 2, Week 19: Talked with 70+ People in the Day

Hello Family, 

Wow! What a week this has been! We had 3 exchanges this week so time really flew! Like always!

We started out with an exchange with the Assistants. I was with Elder Jowers here in Worcester. Elder Fragoso was with Elder Benson also in Worcester. Elder Jowers and Elder Benson both came out with me and Elder Fragoso so we all go home at the same time! It was fun working with them. We didn't have very many appointments planned for the day so we just went out and did some stop bys and added people into our Area Book through street contacting. We talked with around 70+ people in the day! It was super fun! At the end of an exchange, we do an exchange inventory and we talk about the strengths of the person and extend invitations to them. I invited Elder Jowers to 1. Thank the people he is teaching to help build a relationship of love and 2. To focus on his own conversion to see how he can help others become as deeply converted as him.

He invited me to keep using Preach My Gospel in my daily missionary work and to ask more questions when I contact people such as, "why are you interested in our message?" or "how can we help you come to church?" stuff like that! It was really fun to learn from him and spend the day working with him. That night, we had a lesson with O, R & S. We talked about how we can have faith in the Lord and how we can help them come to church. S. said that he just needs to confirm with his boss and he will have every Sunday, starting the 16th off! So we are praying that works out! We are really hoping that they will be able to come to church soon.

We had 2 other exchanges this week! Nothing too crazy happened but it was good working with those Elders. We made a lot of plans with people to help them come to church. When we finished exchanges Saturday morning, we had 10 people confirm that they would be at church.

Sunday morning, we still had those 10 people say they would come to church and even made phone calls to ask how we could help!! We were super excited for church! The time finally came for Sacrament Meeting to start and! Haha nobody came. We called people later in the day and they said that they didn't come because they slept in, or they couldn't get a ride last minute, etc. We were disappointed but! We now know what we can do to help people come. 

Those who slept in, we can help them by calling or stopping by! Those without a car can be helped by having a member ride etc. So even though it was sad, we will know how to help them in the future! 

Just to let you know mom! I got both packages! Thanks so much for all you do! I love you:) 

I am loving every minute I have on the mission. It's been such a good week full of action even though people didn't come to church! I know that God is real and loves me. I know Jesus Christ is my Savior! I had a powerful witness to that while I listened to This Is the Christ by the TABCATS! ;) I love you all very much! 

Elder Bushman 


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