Monday, December 24, 2018

Year 2, Week 21: Baptism is on for This Weekend

Wow! This week has been a little crazy! First, I'll give you an update on our people!

S, R & O! We had a lesson with them on Tuesday. We told them that they would be able to be baptized on December 29th if they were able to go to church and continue going after! O still is working, but S said that he would be able to come. We set the date for the 29th! 

Saturday night rolled around and S confirmed he would be at church. Sunday morning comes and we get a heart breaking text message. 

S - "I have a commitment with my Sister that I forgot about and will not be able to come to church." 

We reply by saying, "we know that sometimes in life, there are things that get in the way of God. We promise that if you put God first and come to church, you will be blessed in all aspects of life!"

S - "I will be there. What's the address again?" 

We were on top of the world. While waiting at church, he texted us and said he still needed to help his Sister and take his brother to work in another city. He asked for the directions to another Spanish group and went to a different branch closer to work! He wasn't here in Worcester but still went! His baptism is on for this weekend!!! R & O will be getting baptized later, sometime in January! 

I haven't mentioned this family yet but I will tell you now! :) I&M! They are kids of a member named S. We have been meeting with them lately and are trying to help I, 11, get baptized. M, 8, will be baptized at the same time, but as a member baptism, not a convert baptism.

They are slow to understand things so we repeat a lot. We made flash cards with them so they can remember their vocabulary words! We had them draw pictures for words such as: commandments, prophet, Joseph Smith, Sacrament, Baptism, etc. With that, they are retaining more information and learning quicker! Haha! They are adorable. 

Well they committed to coming to church, but their mom didn't answer Sunday morning. We went by to visit them and the door to their apartment complex was locked. We had no way to contact them. So they didn't go to church... But there is always next week. 

R&A still are with their dad on Sundays. Their mother texted us and told us that they are planning on holding off on church for a while. We aren't sure what that means exactly but... 

Because it was Christmas, several members brought some family who aren't members! So we had some other people at church. It was great! Lots more success this week then past weeks. Christmas time is always the best as a missionary! 

We had a bunch of appointments on Friday, so we decided to celebrate on Wednesday! We went to a Brazilian Buffet restaurant. I wanted to stick to my diet better so we went to get meat and veggies! Let me tell ya! Sooo good! :) I decided to cheat a little and eat some pineapple! We will definitely be going back there again. 

This week was wonderful! Great times! Thank you all for the birthday gifts and cards. They mean a lot to me! I love you all very much! 

Elder Bushman 


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