Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Year 1, Week 10: She Agreed to be Baptized

Hey Fam!

This week has gone by super super fast. Tons of random things have happened including some miracles and crazy stories. First the crazy story that leads to the miracle.

On Sunday, after church, Elder Curzon and I were knocking doors and not many people were answering there doors. It was about 3 O'clock and it was hot and tiring. We came up to this guys house and knocked on it. This guy came out and started asking questions like who we were, what we wanted to share with him, and how would our message bless his life. We started sharing the message of the Restoration and going to tie in the Book of Mormon and bear testimony of how the Book of Mormon has blessed our lives but he started asking questions that he wanted specific answers to like, Who is God, if God exists then why doesn't He show himself to us, etc.. Elder Curzon and I both knew that it could come to arguing so we both answered the questions with as much respect as we could. He asked if we had a picture of Christ and we gave him a pass along card with Christ's picture on it. The guy we were talking to asked if the picture we gave him was a picture of Christ or an interpretation of what Christ most likely looks like. We said that it is a painting of what Christ most likely looks like. He started asking rapid fire questions where during one answer he wouldn't let us finish and asked more questions. He then got to the point of that Christ isn't white and the reason he isn't white is because he doesn't exist. He then went on to through out this whole scientific reason of why Christ isn't real and that God is fake. He then tore Jesus's picture in half, used half a dozen cuss words, and told us he would have us arrested for soliciting if we didn't get off his porch. I wanted to just straight up tell him that he was bringing damnation upon himself but felt that I should just leave peacefully. After Elder Curzon and I left, we said a prayer asking for the Spirit to be with us as we continued on. It was super sad to see someone completely deny God because he hadn't seen signs in his life. 

About an hour later we met up with the Zone leaders so they could drive us to an appointment that we were already late for. We got in the car and told them the story of the guy and Elder Tebbs said, "Just keep your heads up, when opposition comes, you are close to seeing good things happen." After we got out of the car we headed up to a lady named Maria's house. We met with her and found out that she had taken missionary lessons before and that she still had the Book of Mormon that they had given her. She explained that she was really close to getting baptized but somehow, something happened and she didn't get baptized. We talked about the Book of Mormon and re-extended the baptism invite. She agreed to be baptized and then Elder Curzon felt impressed to extend a date. He asked if she would prepare to be baptized on November 18th and she said that she would if she is ready. It was a great lesson and really lifted me after our run in with the other guy. Elder Curzon and I set a return appointment and are going to invite her to church this week. If she comes to church and continues to receive the lessons than she could be baptized next month. 

Another crazy story. We were walking down the street and this guy stopped us and started talking to us. He was super drunk but he kept saying that it was a good thing what we were doing. He kept saying that he knew God didn't want him to continue to smoke crack or drink but he didn't want to. Reminder!! This Guy was drunk out of his mind. He then went on to tell me that he loved me and then gave me a hug. He told me that I was his grandson... Doesn't really make sense but it's what he said. By the time we walked away I had received about 8 hugs from this random, super drunk, SHIRTLESS, sweaty dude!!! Elder Curzon and I had some good laughs about it. 

Temple days are every 6 months. The first one I have is on Wednesday!!!! The Hartford Temple is not in my area. I'll be going to Boston.
Anyway, I hope everything is going well back at home:) Love you all!!

Elder Bushman

"Faith in Jesus Christ, when solidly anchored in our souls, brings true conversion ... and enduring righteousness."
—Neil L. Andersen, "The Book of Mormon: Strengthening Our Faith in Jesus Christ"

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