Monday, October 30, 2017

Year 1, Week 13: A Record Breaking 70 Members

Dear Fam,

This week has been great. Our branch mission leader, Luis Gonzalez, is moving to Mexico so he has been released. A man named Romulo Panduro has been called as the new branch mission leader. He is a great guy who is very excited to be working with us. He loves coming to lessons with us, but he can't drive and Elder Curzon and I don't have a car... So if he wants to come to a lesson with us we have to work with the other Elders. Its kinda tough not having a car to pick up members. Other changes include the young men president, the relief society president, and some youth Sunday School teachers. On Sunday, we had a record breaking 70 members show up to Sacrament Meeting!! This is the most it has been the whole time I have been in Hartford. I really think that the Lord is using us as his tools in bringing people back to him. Yesterday, we visited some less actives who have been coming the last couple of weeks and told them that we wanted to help them get to the temple. They are in their 70's and have been married for a long time and it's always been their goal but they have never really worked towards it. It's great that we are now helping them do that. 

Elder Porter is the Elder who was just transferred into our area. He is our Zone Leader and a great missionary. His Spanish is fantastic and he teaches super well. He is a great addition to our area. For dinner last night we went to a Honduran Family's house named the Zaldivars! Hermano Zaldivar is the First Counselor in the Branch Presidency. He is a great guy! We had a Honduran dish that was homemade tortilla's, egg, beans, and hispanic sour cream!! Super Bien:) I really enjoy all of the different flavors and meals different countries have. Because of all the diversity I am learning how different cultures speak Spanish and words they use! For example, most Dominicans drop their S's while speaking Spanish. If you don't practice understanding them, fluent Spanish speakers have a hard time understanding their Spanish. I'm excited to continue learning Spanish and using it.

Maria is doing well. She still babysits on Sunday so she hasn't been able to come to church.

Love you all. Remember who you're not!!

Elder Bushman
1: Dead Rat in the street
2:Crazy crash right outside our apartment
3: Keto Pizza
4: Our kitchen is so small we store all of our pots in the oven. So baking the pizza we had to pull all the pans out


"If you feel too spiritually maimed to come to the feast, please realize that the Church is not a monastery for perfect people, though all of us ought to be striving on the road to godliness. No, at least one aspect of the Church is more like a hospital or an aid station, provided for those who are ill and want to get well."
—Jeffrey R. Holland, "He Hath Filled the Hungry with Good Things"

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