Monday, October 23, 2017

Year 1, Week 12: Hopefully all our investigators will want to repent

I cannot believe it is already Monday and November is already almost here. Kinda Crazy..

Elder Curzon, Elder Eaton, Elder Tebbs, and I all went to a member's house for dinner this week. The member had rice and steak which was super good! They also had a salad made out of, are you ready?? Beets, Tomatoes, and Red Onion!! HMMM!! My favorite food:( I ate all of it but it was a little tough. Other than that, all the food members have fed us has been super good:) 

On Thursday we met with Maria. She told us she wants to get baptized but she is nervous for how fast it is coming up because she needs to repent first. Wow! Hopefully all out investigators will want to repent:) Maria is a great little Puerto Rican lady. She has kept all of her commitments except for coming to church. Maria cannot drive so she relies on her daughter. Her daughter works on Sunday and Maria watches her kids. We are still trying to find a solution to that though. She is reading the Book of Mormon and knows a ton of stuff about the church. It's pretty great:) We'll be meeting with Maria again on Wednesday!!

While being out on the mission I have had several opportunities to give blessings. Elder Tebbs and I went on exchanges a little while ago and got a call from the temple saying there was a man who needed a blessing. We went over to the Hospital and it turns out the man who we were giving a blessing to was named Will Turner. Kinda crazy, but, we gave him a blessing and it was a great experience. He started having seizures while he was on a bus so the bus dropped him off at the hospital and left. Super weird but he was a nice guy.
I also gave a blessing to a member named Danny. He is 12 and fell off his bed and got a concussion. He is a super great kid who comes to church and is super nice. 

Other news here... Elder Tebbs is being Transferred to Waltham. It is the Area south of Boston. Elder Porter is going to be Elder Eaton's new comp. and he has been out 22 months. Not much other news. No real crazy stories or weird people. 

Love you all!!

Elder Bushman
"Isn’t it wonderful to know that we don’t have to be perfect to experience the blessings and gifts of our Heavenly Father? We don’t have to wait to cross the finish line to receive God’s blessings. In fact, the heavens begin to part and the blessings of heaven begin to distill upon us with the very first steps we take toward the light."
—Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "The Hope of God's Light"

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