Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Year 1, Week 11: Beautiful Temple

After I finished writing my letter last week, Elder Curzon and I left the library and headed out to go back to the apartment. While walking a man stopped us and said that he was a member and that he has been for 20 years. The only reason he wasn't coming to church is because he didn't know where the chapel was. We gave him the address and time and expected to see him there. On Sunday he wasn't there and we thought that it was because he isn't as active as he said he was. Sunday night we stopped by his house but nobody answered so we knocked on the door across the hall and talked to a guy named Jose. He is a member too! It's crazy how we randomly knock a door and it's a member. Is it really random?? Nah...

On Wednesday it was return and report. Elder Curzon and I got a ride with some sisters because we don't have a car. When we got there we started talking about repentance with the Assistants. Their names are Elder Ferreria (Portuguese) and Elder Xiao (Chinese). They are both English Elders. They are super awesome and kind. We role played repentance and had a great time. We got to go to the temple in Boston which was awesome!! I would recommend it to anyone. Beautiful temple. Elder Curzon and I love to talk about deep doctrine stuff so when we got to the Celestial room we had a great talk that left me with more questions about Eternity and stuff. I find that happening to me a lot while reading the scriptures.
On Thursday it was Zone Conference. We started by hearing some thoughts from President and Sister Miller and then the AP's shared a bunch of thoughts. Elder Xiao is a convert to the church and told the story of his mom following his example and getting baptized 3 weeks ago. He was able to Skype her. Super cool story. We role played repentance again but focused on testifying and letting the spirit talk instead of us. President said that if you have a 45 minute lesson. You should be talking about 10 minutes and let the investigator and the spirit talk the rest. Super cool concept. 

Friday was a fun day. We had studies and weekly planned!:( I'm not a super big fan of weekly planning. 

I have gotten to know a lot more members, missionaries, and people in Hartford so I don't feel like a complete loss;) Love all of you!!

Elder Bushman
Other Info: Missionaries have been in Hartford before but they closed the area and reopened it when I came. I have no Idea how long we have had a branch. I haven't spoken but I have bore my testimony, conducted in sacrament meeting, blessed the sacrament, taught deacons quorum, and prayed in classes. Elder Curzon, Elder Eaton, Elder Tebbs, and I have gotten a lot closer and we laugh a lot but can get super focused, spiritual, and deep really fast. I think this is the best form of missionary work. Elder Eaton and I sang in Zone Conference, "I Know that My Redeemer Lives". I did get a recording and will be sending it shortly. I don't think I did very good but I tried my best so that's all I can do. It's not a super good quality recording so it will sound kinda weird. 

"The things that endure, the things that are real, the things that are important are those things represented in the temple of God."
—Ezra Taft Benson, "Chapter 13: Priceless Blessings of the House of the Lord"

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