Monday, June 25, 2018

Year 1, Week 47: We Look Freaky Fresh

So Elder Perkes and I just went and got our haircut. It was DOPE! First, they were playing the world cup, two, we look freaky fresh, and three, we even got a shampoo and conditioner wash for free! I feel like I sound like a girl but it was awesome! And only $18!

This week has been great! I learned that I will be getting transferred out of Waltham to a new area. Worcester, MA! It is pronounced, Wustah! Elder Curzon has been in that area for the last 8 months and I'm replacing him so, it's exciting! My new companion is named Elder Britt Warner. He is from American Fork, UT and we have a lot of mutual friends. Remember how Bishop Beeson told me to talk with an Elder but I already did over Instagram?? Yep, same guy! I'm pretty excited but a little bummed to be leaving so soon. We are close to Boston, have a great Spanish group, a truck, an AMAZING apartment, I even have my own Bathroom! But, I'm excited for change:) Elder Neeley, the Elder I trained is replacing me. Elder Perkes has been called as the new District Leader here in Waltham and I'll be going Zone Leader with Elder Warner.

Our investigator L is doing so good! He has been sober for about a month now which is so exciting! He says that he drinks pineapple juice whenever he has a craving because the acidity in the juice gives the same feel as alcohol! So he has found a replacement which is great:) he picked up a second job so he hasn't been able to come to church but we are working on that! He says he wants to build some trust before he asks for days off. He is still planning on getting baptized on July 15th, so I'll come back for that! 

We picked up some new investigators this week! The most promising is named L. He said he would listen to our message, pray about the Book of Mormon, read it, and meet with us again. We are meeting with him on Wednesday but I'll be gone so Elder Neeley and Elder Perkes will go. We are hoping that he continues to listen. 

So the Cambridge Chinese Elders had a baptism on Saturday, but forgot about the font so it flooded the church! They sucked out about 15 gallons of water with a water vacuum and had fans drying the room when we showed up for church. We still met with our Spanish group despite the water damage. During Sacrament meeting, a member of the High Council gave a talk but only spoke English. So I had to translate from English to Spanish. He was smart and printed out the scriptures and general conference quotes he was using so I could read them but anything he personally said I translated into Spanish. The members said I did a great job so hopefully it turned out alright. 

Elder Tebbs, my first Zone Leader in the mission, finished up and went home this last week. He chilled with us for about 3 hours before we took him to the mission home. I haven't had any companions go home yet and he is the closest friend I've had leave. It made me a little jealous that he was finishing up but, I'm all good to stay out. I haven't changed enough and can't go home until I do;) good thing I've got another 13 months to do it! 

We helped another family move this week! It was about 90 degrees outside and I was in my sweatshirt so I could work up a good sweat! Let's just say it happened... :)

Also, before district meeting I decided to make homemade cinnamon rolls! It was pretty sweet, one of the senior couples said, "I love cinnamon rolls and try to find the best ones wherever I go. These are one of the best I've eaten!" Liv would be proud of my baking skills! 

Anyway, not much more to tell! Love you all

Elder Bushman

Monday, June 18, 2018

Year 1, Week 46: I Really Enjoy Teaching in Spanish

This week has been really good! Some cool events happened. We got to go to a funeral for a members Sister. She was a member of the Episcopalian Church so it was at a different church. We had the opportunity to go on exchanges. I was in Waltham with Elder Kennard. He was in my Zone when I first came into the mission so its cool to be back with him. We also had Zone Conference with the Miller's where we were able to say goodbye and take pictures. 

On exchanges we picked up to investigators named C and C! We taught the Restoration and got their contact info. Elder Kennard doesn't speak any Spanish so I just talked. It went well! I really enjoy teaching in Spanish! 

We had a lesson with L and he told us he has now been 20 days without a drink! It was awesome! We talked to him about keeping the Sabbath day Holy and told us that he has taken a second job and has to start working on Sundays. We are working with him and trying to help him get days off! 

During Zone Conference, they talked a lot about sustaining our church leaders. They said to forget about them completely forget about them and that they no longer exist as leaders to us. It was a little sad. I love the Millers but the new President has my complete support with everything! I'm excited to learn from a different perspective.

We helped a member move to a different city. We through a bunch of stuff in the back of the truck and tied it down with ties. I've decided I'm definitely getting a truck when I come home because I want to be able to help people with things and a truck will come in handy! We are helping another member move on Thursday

Elder Hilbig is going home. We thought Elder Kennard was going to come to our companionship but he is going to the Portuguese Elder so he won't be with us.

All in all this week has been super good! Love you all! 

Elder Bushman

Monday, June 11, 2018

Year 1, Week 45: One of the Happiest Days of the Mission

Hey Fam,

This week has been pretty uneventful. We did however meet with one of our investigators . He has had a drinking problem in the past but has cut back from one bottle to 2 shots a day. Since he started meeting with us, he has gone off completely and so far has been 9 days sober as of Thursday. He is a super great guy! We talked with the mission doctor and he said that when a craving for alcohol starts, it usually lasts for three minutes so if he reads the Book of Mormon for 3 minutes every time he has a craving then he will be able to overcome those cravings. With that, strength from Jesus Christ, and support from the ward, he should be able to get off alcohol and stay off. On Thursday we met with him and explained that and shared a scripture with him about how Christ will help him. It was great! One of the happiest days of the mission. Being able to see someone be a alcoholic to dropping it completely because of the Gospel is super cool! 

Today we went into Boston and checked out the city. We went to a building called the Prudential Building. Inside, it has a huge mall and then at the very top of the sky scraper there is a restaurant. Cheapest item is around $20 so we didn't go, but one day! We played basketball, did laundry, and the norm. It was a fun day. 

We finished up teaching English Classes. It really helped my Spanish having to understand Spanish Concepts in order to explain them in Spanish how they work in the English. For example, in Spanish, we say Tenemos comida. Which is we have food. Conjugating tener in the nosotros form makes it we have. In English we always add we, you, he, she with the word. Super simple example but gets the point across. It was fun to hang out with the Hispanics.

In missionary work, I started my mission being very hesitant to talk to Hispanics. I couldn't communicate so I hated teaching and contacting in Spanish. But now, it's frustrating contacting anyone who speaks English. When we knock doors and an English person answers, it's the WORST!!  (No offense - just love teaching in Spanish now!)

I wasn't smart with timing so I'm running out of it. Sorry! 

Love you all! 

Conversation about Below Truck:

Mom: Whose Truck?

Elder B: Ours:)
Mom: Whatever!
Elder B: Seriously! That's what we drive
Mom: What?? Really?
Elder B: Yup!
Mom: Are you the driver?
Elder B: No
Mom: What kind of truck?
Elder B: 2017 Chevy Silverado 1500:)
Mom: Are you in heaven?
Elder B: It's pretty freaking awesome!!!
Mom: Why do you drive that?
Elder B: We are the moving Elders so whoever needs help moving to or from apartments we get called. Also, they need a truck to pull trailers and we are close to Boston but far enough away it's super easy to find parking.
We were in Boston this morning in downtown.
Mom: That’s so cool!

Mom: You help members move or missionaries?
Elder B: Both

Monday, June 4, 2018

Year 1, Week 44: Love President and Sister Miller

Hello Family!! I hope all is well! Your trip sounds like a blast! I'm not sure if John throwing up or peeing in the car is better;) who took cars? Who is all there? I told you that I saw JP Arbon in the MTC right?

Today we are going to be actually doing stuff for Pday. We are going into Boston to play soccer and then basketball. We may just chill in the city after that! It's going to be a party! I probably won't be writing too much today but we'll see. 

This week has been good. We went on exchanges with the Zone Leaders. While Elder Hilbig and I were walking around we found a family from Ghana who was moving out of their apartment. We offered to help and they said sure, so we started moving in white shirts and ties! Let me just say their apartment was pretty bad and I got super, super, dirty. But it was fun to help them! We moved out these huge couches, from the 3rd floor. 2 fridges, and other stuff. It was good that they were getting rid of it all so we didn't have to be too careful. They said that they could use help moving in, but since we had already been there for 3 1/2 hours we told them we couldn't but other Elders could! They also said they would listen to a message so hopefully something will come from that! Other than that, exchanges was a lot of contacting with not much results. We met some super cool people who knew who we were but didn't care for our message. One guy even invited us to chill on his porch with him and eat cheese and crackers. Haha it was cool:)

Elder Perkes and I have a guy who we are planning to baptize on the 15th of July. When he came to church yesterday, he told us that he hasn't had any alcohol for 5 days straight! It was pretty exciting! By himself he has cut down from drinking an entire bottle to nothing! We are planning on teaching him how to overcome his cravings. The mission doctor is in our district and has told us some ways to help him! We are planning on moving his Baptismal date to the 16th or 23rd of this month if he really is done drinking! His name is L. and he is from Brazil. Because of his work schedule and his wife's work schedule we have only been able to meet with him but their schedule changed so we will also be talking with the wife! We are pretty excited. 

We had interviews with President Miller this week. Last interview with him.. It's kinda sad. I love him and Sister Miller. We have a Zone Conference on the 12th of June and that's it. We won't see them anymore... I'm really bummed but excited to get to know the new President and his wife. It will be nice to have a mission President who speaks Spanish though!!

Elder Perkes and I have been getting along really well. It just took a little while to figure him out. So I'm all good! Excited to continue working with him! :)

I hope all is well at home! 

Love you all! 

Elder Bushman