Monday, June 11, 2018

Year 1, Week 45: One of the Happiest Days of the Mission

Hey Fam,

This week has been pretty uneventful. We did however meet with one of our investigators . He has had a drinking problem in the past but has cut back from one bottle to 2 shots a day. Since he started meeting with us, he has gone off completely and so far has been 9 days sober as of Thursday. He is a super great guy! We talked with the mission doctor and he said that when a craving for alcohol starts, it usually lasts for three minutes so if he reads the Book of Mormon for 3 minutes every time he has a craving then he will be able to overcome those cravings. With that, strength from Jesus Christ, and support from the ward, he should be able to get off alcohol and stay off. On Thursday we met with him and explained that and shared a scripture with him about how Christ will help him. It was great! One of the happiest days of the mission. Being able to see someone be a alcoholic to dropping it completely because of the Gospel is super cool! 

Today we went into Boston and checked out the city. We went to a building called the Prudential Building. Inside, it has a huge mall and then at the very top of the sky scraper there is a restaurant. Cheapest item is around $20 so we didn't go, but one day! We played basketball, did laundry, and the norm. It was a fun day. 

We finished up teaching English Classes. It really helped my Spanish having to understand Spanish Concepts in order to explain them in Spanish how they work in the English. For example, in Spanish, we say Tenemos comida. Which is we have food. Conjugating tener in the nosotros form makes it we have. In English we always add we, you, he, she with the word. Super simple example but gets the point across. It was fun to hang out with the Hispanics.

In missionary work, I started my mission being very hesitant to talk to Hispanics. I couldn't communicate so I hated teaching and contacting in Spanish. But now, it's frustrating contacting anyone who speaks English. When we knock doors and an English person answers, it's the WORST!!  (No offense - just love teaching in Spanish now!)

I wasn't smart with timing so I'm running out of it. Sorry! 

Love you all! 

Conversation about Below Truck:

Mom: Whose Truck?

Elder B: Ours:)
Mom: Whatever!
Elder B: Seriously! That's what we drive
Mom: What?? Really?
Elder B: Yup!
Mom: Are you the driver?
Elder B: No
Mom: What kind of truck?
Elder B: 2017 Chevy Silverado 1500:)
Mom: Are you in heaven?
Elder B: It's pretty freaking awesome!!!
Mom: Why do you drive that?
Elder B: We are the moving Elders so whoever needs help moving to or from apartments we get called. Also, they need a truck to pull trailers and we are close to Boston but far enough away it's super easy to find parking.
We were in Boston this morning in downtown.
Mom: That’s so cool!

Mom: You help members move or missionaries?
Elder B: Both

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