Monday, June 4, 2018

Year 1, Week 44: Love President and Sister Miller

Hello Family!! I hope all is well! Your trip sounds like a blast! I'm not sure if John throwing up or peeing in the car is better;) who took cars? Who is all there? I told you that I saw JP Arbon in the MTC right?

Today we are going to be actually doing stuff for Pday. We are going into Boston to play soccer and then basketball. We may just chill in the city after that! It's going to be a party! I probably won't be writing too much today but we'll see. 

This week has been good. We went on exchanges with the Zone Leaders. While Elder Hilbig and I were walking around we found a family from Ghana who was moving out of their apartment. We offered to help and they said sure, so we started moving in white shirts and ties! Let me just say their apartment was pretty bad and I got super, super, dirty. But it was fun to help them! We moved out these huge couches, from the 3rd floor. 2 fridges, and other stuff. It was good that they were getting rid of it all so we didn't have to be too careful. They said that they could use help moving in, but since we had already been there for 3 1/2 hours we told them we couldn't but other Elders could! They also said they would listen to a message so hopefully something will come from that! Other than that, exchanges was a lot of contacting with not much results. We met some super cool people who knew who we were but didn't care for our message. One guy even invited us to chill on his porch with him and eat cheese and crackers. Haha it was cool:)

Elder Perkes and I have a guy who we are planning to baptize on the 15th of July. When he came to church yesterday, he told us that he hasn't had any alcohol for 5 days straight! It was pretty exciting! By himself he has cut down from drinking an entire bottle to nothing! We are planning on teaching him how to overcome his cravings. The mission doctor is in our district and has told us some ways to help him! We are planning on moving his Baptismal date to the 16th or 23rd of this month if he really is done drinking! His name is L. and he is from Brazil. Because of his work schedule and his wife's work schedule we have only been able to meet with him but their schedule changed so we will also be talking with the wife! We are pretty excited. 

We had interviews with President Miller this week. Last interview with him.. It's kinda sad. I love him and Sister Miller. We have a Zone Conference on the 12th of June and that's it. We won't see them anymore... I'm really bummed but excited to get to know the new President and his wife. It will be nice to have a mission President who speaks Spanish though!!

Elder Perkes and I have been getting along really well. It just took a little while to figure him out. So I'm all good! Excited to continue working with him! :)

I hope all is well at home! 

Love you all! 

Elder Bushman


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